• Imagine you can roll around in
    your own little bubble
    and bounce off walls
    or chase dogs around parks
    or maybe get carried away on a
    hopeful gust
    Sometimes, more often than now,
    you'd roll faster than prudence
    would suggest
    and it'd be always fine, and usually fun
    More often than now,
    you'd look straight up if it was raining
    or right below you as you roll out to sea
    You'd be able to look around
    rather than just ahead, and there'd
    be more to look at too
    You'd roll right into people you knew
    and people you didn't
    but that'd be fine too, because
    they'd all just laugh and bounce around
    You could read a book and see where
    chance took you
    or cross paths otherwise dangerous with confidence
    and end up completely lost
    but shrug it off and roll somewhere else.