• You ask:
    Why do you act this way?
    Why do you cry so many tears?
    Why do you cut so often?
    Why do you not talk?
    Why are you here?
    I answer:
    I act this way because it brings my relief,
    Relief of the pain you, YOU, caused me,
    Relief of the pain of the scars.
    I cry so many tears because i'm afraid that if i don't i will blow,
    I will explode.
    I cry to relieve myself without letting it out in the open.
    I cut so often to rid myself of the blood the pulses through my veins,
    Because it is boling, it is curdling
    I cut so often as a watered down version of suicide
    I do not talk because if i did no one would appreciate the rare moments when I DO speak.
    I do not speak because no one listens, and when someone does they rarely understand.
    So why speak?
    I am here to be a cry for the lost and wounded soul.
    I am here to show people the effect love can have on a heart.
    I am here to show you, YOU, that you are going to be the death of me.
    I am here because I am too scared to kill myself before you do.

    Do you understand now?
    If so then i can go.
    Try not to miss me.
    Or rather I'LL try not miss YOU