• when that day comes,
    when all the world stops...
    you feel a bit of excitement ,
    whether you were obsessed of the day of ends or not...
    you still feel it,
    whether you've been curious from the start,
    how that last day would feel...
    you wondered if you'd feel sadness, angst, grief, remorse, or even relief...
    when that day comes,
    all the world becomes mute...
    everything... in one peace,
    how would you feel?
    if all the things...
    were at least for something...
    for something precious,
    would it even matter...
    if everything,
    everything at all...didn't exist
    your memories-lost
    your family, friends-erased
    your experience, any...even as a human-gone
    would you even remember your years...?
    would you remember the sun?
    how it felt,
    would you remember laughter?
    ...and your joy, your tears?
    even when you laughed and cried,
    how days would continue untill the last drop rain fell...
    when all that has passed,
    how would you feel?
    when that day comes...
    would you call someone,
    and confess to your sins,
    would you confess your love?
    i don't think you'd call anyone,
    for any reason...
    you'd just stand at the window, staring...
    just staring...
    counting each breath,
    just staring...
    hoping that no one ever hates you...
    how would you feel?
    when they don't even know...
    staring at the same sky you are
    hoping that this was all a bad dream,

    when that last day comes...
    when all the world stops,
    ...when all we feel is numb...

    all you'll know,
    ...is that there's nothing left inside...


    do you see it,
    the world crumbling...
    falling to pieces,
    like a mass of dirt in a cup of water
    when that sky falls...
    when you look up,
    would you find comfort...
    in knowing that someone else's eyes are watching that sky,
    knowing that someone stands on the same planet you do...
    when that sky falls...
    how would you feel?
    and when all comes crashing down,
    would you rather that?
    shooting stars,
    aimed at us...?
    the sun falling?
    when everything just seems to drop,
    like stones in the lake...
    how would you feel?