• Tree-

    The tree loves the leaf
    it is it's only love.
    It provides the leaf with a home
    a shelter and protection.
    For years they'd been together
    connected by a single delicate branch
    swaying in rhythmic motion
    whispering the days away.
    Until one day
    Tree found another
    and found itself unable to choose between two.
    The newcomer was another leaf
    brilliant and petite
    it outmatched Tree's old love
    a thousand times more than before.
    So Leaf left Tree
    for Tree didn't ask for it to stay;
    or maybe it's because
    the Wind blew it away.

    Leaf -

    Leaf loved the Tree
    for it's humongous passion.
    It stayed by Tree
    through storm and through rain.
    It held on tight
    to their connecting branch
    afraid to let go
    for fear it should perish.
    So sweet was it's love
    so true it proved.
    Though it's love was strong
    and filled with joy
    Tree became distracted
    due to another.
    Leaf saw it's opponent
    saw it's brilliantness
    saw it's charms.
    Leaf couldn't bear it
    it's love was forgotten.
    It's passion died down
    and it turned weaker by day.
    A gust of Wind came blowing in
    blowing Leaf away to another place.
    So Leaf left Tree
    for Tree didn't ask for it to stay;
    or maybe it's because
    the Wind blew it away.

    Wind -

    Wind came and went
    for it was a free spirit.
    It had no home
    and had no attatchment.
    It roamed the lands
    had plenty of friends.
    Though it had company
    it was never satisfied.
    It knew not of love
    for it had no home.
    One day Wind passed by Tree
    and saw the beautiful Leaf.
    A flicker of love grew in Wind
    it didn't notice then
    for it wasn't looking for it.
    As days passed by
    Wind flew by the Tree
    just to look at Leaf
    to feed it's growing love.
    On the tenth day
    Wind noticed a difference.
    Leaf wasn't swaying
    it was sitting still.
    It looked at Tree
    and another leaf.
    Immediately Wind knew what it wanted
    the urge took on
    and it flew to Leaf.
    Gently with it's light arms
    Wind lifted Leaf
    it whispered to Leaf
    little wonderful things.
    A second later
    Wind took to flight
    carrying Leaf in it's warm arms.
    So Leaf left Tree
    for Tree didn't ask for it to stay;
    or maybe it's because
    the Wind blew it away.