• you cant fight
    you have to much fright
    you cant bite
    but your scared they might

    i will protect you
    i will tell your fear to sho
    for you are me and i am you

    i will fight your fow
    for you are my bro
    if they show
    they will be dough

    when you know more
    you will feel my core
    how much of you im willing to die for
    for you are my door

    you hold my freedom
    you show my kingdom

    you have shown me
    just what i use to be
    a key
    just for thoughs who are in need

    thank you for teaching me
    everything i use to be
    and for teaching me
    everything im ment to be

    thank you bro
    you fought my fow
    now its time for me to show
    that i shall always fight your fow