• Blue…
    Oh so clear blue
    It sparkles like diamonds
    As it goes down the twisting turning trail
    Coming from
    The frosty falling frozen flakes of ice
    Tossing and turning as it tumbles down on ruff terrain
    The fragile frost metals into a trickle of the…

    Oh so clear blue
    It sparkles like diamonds
    As it goes drip… drop
    Gathering together to create a teensy tiny stream of…

    Oh so clear blue
    It sparkles like diamonds
    As it slowly travels down the rocky mountains
    Meeting up with other steams just like itself
    It slowly grows into a ravishing river made of…

    Oh so clear blue
    It sparkles like diamonds
    As it forms foaming waterfalls that are the beauty of life itself

    The blue…
    Oh so clear blue
    So clear that it sparkles like diamonds
    As it slowly but surely makes its way down from the massive mountains
    Which are covered in the fragile frost that is the life source to this river
    As it goes down the twisting turning trail of life