• There was a girl, like there always is
    my eyes locked on to her and i was blinded by the neo light she radiated
    she knew everyone and everything but it was me she that captured her attention
    a fresh face ripe to gobble up.

    She handed me some of her fairy dust and told me to hold on tight
    Drip drop, years of cautious anxiety dripped from my finger tips
    Rainbows landed from above, lighting the whole room
    And we danced.

    We waded through our joy as thick as it was
    living off nothing but moonlight and cigarettes
    Our synthetic happiness would last forever, or whatever forever meant to us now.
    Endless ticks of the clock passed until the final tock came

    The stars left, and the people quickly followed
    a peck and a glance and I’m left in the bright emptiness that now was
    with nothing but a badly scawn series of digits on my arm in baby pink
    Until next time the stars come out to play