• My history teacher talks a lot about politics. He's liberal, so he talks about how democrats are trying to make a change, while republicans are against change. My parents are republicans, so they tell me that democrats are just trying to turn the USA into communism. Frankly, I dont know who to believe. Democrats are going to talk badly of republicans, and rebublicans are going to talk badly of democrats. Tehy both have their points, but they are both wrong. All he politicians just wanna be right. Remember how Obama canceled the national day of prayer for Christians but not Muslims? Remember how he let Muslims build a mosque near ground zero? Theres then the rest of the USA whos gwtting offended by it, "wah wah wah, if you build that there we will sue" "Hahaha, you have a muslim as president so we can do whatever we want". If we werent so caught up in all this s**t, maybe we us Americans could do something right for a change.