• A wise man said, never let the one you love leave you, but never let the one who left, love you. Someone who loves you for who you are and not what you look like or the things you like would understand that. I have not had the fortune or pleasure of coming across someone like that yet. I'm sure someday, somehow, I'll find everything I was looking for. Those who have had heartache, those who have had torment from past relations, will have rest. I promise that day will come. But anwser me this, "If the one you fell desprately in love with, left you behind and broke your heart so badly, would you forgive them? If they left you crying, litteraly wanting to die so that the pain would no longer ravage your body, knowing full well that they were tearing your heart into so many little pieces, would you have the strength and shred of mercy in your heart to give them another chance?" If you answered yes, tell me why and I want you to know that I envy you because I could not find it in my shattered, stone heart to forgive them.