• Again,wondering about God and his plans
    but not my plans other peoples plans and i'm not sure why
    i think about it but i do
    i've thought about a rich person and a poor person that's homeless
    in fact
    first the rich person
    i've seen a rich person not happy but she's got all the money she
    could possiably ask for
    but just because she's got the money does that make her happy,
    i don't think so
    so was it meant to be that way
    was that God's plan was it in his plans to show her and who ever she
    might know or meet to see that money doesn't make you happy
    i rember one day i was at a resturant and i see this homeless person
    she had signs and notebook paper that she wrote all over and it was
    covered from front to back
    i also rember how i heard her sing and she had so much joy in her voice
    that i couldn't help but smile
    but again i wonder was that God's plan to make her the way she is and to
    put her in the situation that she's in
    is she one of those hidden angles that i've heard so much about
    but i don't know and i don't really think i'll ever really know
    but i do know that money doesn't make you happy,you make you happy,
    you chose to be happy