• Fossil Fuels was the main source of energy for many generations. It has been the key to our industrial revolution, bringing our economy up to the current standards. By burning the oil and other types of fossil fuels underground, energy produces which is used as electricity to heat homes, electrical appliances and huge manufacturing companies for further economical development.

    However, time has come and the non-renewable source for energy, fossil fuels is slowly coming to an end. The fossil fuels is depleting, almost completely drained from the Earth. In addition to the harmful impact it has done to our environment causing Global Warming, I believe it is of utmost importance that we focus more on alternative sources of energy that is renewable, so it won't ever run out. Out of some of the main renewable, such as wind, water, and solar energy, solar energy should become our next leading source of energy and possibly completely replacing fossil fuels. This is because solar energy is very cost effective, not harmful to the environment, and 100% reliable, resulting in a very good marketing approach for many regular every-day consumers.

    To produce solar energy from the sun, solar panels are required to collect the sunlight rays and convert them into electricity. Consequently, due to the recent development of solar panels, they are a little costly to purchase. However it every household did buy them to replace the source of electricity in their homes, than in the long run it would be much more cheaper than buying electricity with a fossil fuel source.

    Thus, by having every household use solar panels to produce and use their own electricity from solar energy, the everyday people will be contributing to a better economy for the country and saving a big sum of money for themselves in the long run. Therefore, solar energy should become our next leading source of energy, ultimately replacing the inefficient way of burning fossil fuels because of the efficiency and the win-win situation this brings to the country.

    In addition, fossil fuel energy is very harmful toward the environment of the land and atmosphere in the sky. Cars, using gasoline/diesel (both types of fossil fuel energy) to produce energy, emits carbon dioxide which is released into the atmosphere. This creates a big shield around Earth allowing sunlight to enter but not escape back out, creating the Earth to warm up, which is also called Global Warming. Also, by digging out the oil inside the ground, many ecosystems around the areas are damaged permanently, putting many animals at risk of endangerment or extinction.

    Nevertheless, by using solar energy as a source of energy, it does not do any harm to the environment, because this is just using the natural energy of the sun from the rays that enters the Earth into electrical energy for our use. As a result, there would be no negative impact toward our planet, and it can stay green and blue forever. This is why I further express that solar energy should become our next source of energy for it's environment friendliness as well.

    Another positive aspect to this would be the fact that solar energy is a renewable source of energy, This means it will never run out, because we are using an energy that already exists but just converting it to a different kind. So by using solar panels to collect the energy during the sunny days the excess energy will last over during the days that are cloudy or raining. Thus another reason why solar energy should be used in the coming future forever.

    In conclusion, solar energy has huge potential of becoming our leading source of energy and should be aided by us to make it happen. Solar energy will benefit us in the long run for sure, making our way of life eco-friendly and efficient in a very cost effective manner. If every household in the world stared using solar panels for electricity, a lot of money would be saved becoming rich in economy as well as saving many precious ecosystems. Therefore solar energy, a renewable source should be used to replace fossil fuel before it's too late for all the benefits it would bring to mankind and it's industrial developments in the future.