• Ninth grade, fourth lunch. My friends and I are sitting, laughing, and teasing. We've got a decent mix of boys and girls, black and white and one Hispanic chick. All of a sudden, the table next to ours--all guys, all jocks--starts throwing apple cores, french fries and cartons of a chocolate milk/ketchup/mustard/orange juice/pickle/pizza grease mixtures at the table on our other side. A lot of the fries end up in my hair, along with the ketchup. My guy friends begin tossing stuff back, and soon we're all under the table hurling hamburger buns and apples at tables without aiming. The teachers freaked out and tried to give everyone detention, but only the guys who started it got punished. I had to walk around with dried ketchup in my hair for seven hours.

    I did punch the jackass who tried to toss fries down my shirt.