• Once upon a time in a very dark forest there lived a family of 3. A mother a father and a son. The mother was named marry, the father was named Derek, the son was named Isaac and of course we can not forget their neighbor who is very important to this story her name was Griselda she was a witch who did not like their son he was very rude to her so she cast a curse on him. But instead she put a curse on his entire family leaving their spirits roaming the house in the forest. 3 years later a young girl named Sarah moved to the house WHY do we have to live in this dump(Sarah said) Its the only house that is near my work(her father said) Little did they both know that they were being watched. Sarah went to find her room as soon as she found it she heard a scream. Father?(Sarah said) but her father did not answer for he was outside unloading the car. she went to go downstairs to see what it was. She saw her father outside but she heard the scream from inside This place gives me the creeps(Sarah said) she felt a tug on her arm she turned around no one was there. she turned back around she saw a lady who was pale like snow who are you?(Sarah asked) The woman remained silent she went through Sarah AHHhh (Sarah screamed) her father came running in SARAH are you okay! (he asked) yeah, I think I'm seeing things now.

    To be continued