• It had already been four weeks and still nothing had changed except for the fact that she had continued going back to school once again, no disguise just her normal self but it didn't help that everyone had their eye on her because everyone knew what she had done.
    - - - - -
    Coulson had set up a special class just for her to keep her away from the other high school kids, it felt like prison except this was worse.
    "Good, you've done all you're assignments, here's this weeks work and like any other day it's due on Monday, all of it", her teacher was stricket but Vanessa didn't mind, having so much work to do kept her mind settled, she didn't worry about many of the things going around her every single hour of the day anymore, it felt a little better. The bell rings, "you're dismissed", she tells her, and the good part about it was she only had to stay a single period.
    - - - - -
    "Vanessa will you just listen, please!", Danny tried to talk with her but she kept walking until he took hold of her hand, "can we just- -", she snatched her hand away from him, "just go away Danny!", she yelled at him causing some people near them to stop and look, "you should have known by now that we're done!", she continues forward leaving Danny there to watch her leave, all the while she held back tears.
    Today she decided on walking to Harry's this time instead of getting a ride even though he insisted so many times earlier, he had so little faith in her sometimes.
    Upon walking the city streets she saw things she never took the time to actually stop and see because missions were fast paced and you weren't there to gawk at the scenery unless you had to. "LOOK OUT!", the sound of glass breaking all around could be seen, and felt as it rained down upon the civilians, "what the?!", Vanessa looks up once all the glass had stopped falling to only see Iron man getting bashed in by.... a red hulk?
    - - - - -
    So this must be how it feels to be down on the ground, "this is dangerous, how can people just stand and watch?!" she mumbled to herself before seeing a chunk of building piece off near them causing people to run in different directions, scattering. Vanessa was about to run but she heard the cries of a little girl calling for her mom, "crap", she ran towards the girl who kept crying and swept her up off of the ground, she couldn't have been more then five or six years old because she held a teddy bear in her arms, "MY BABY! SHE'S GOT MY BABY!!!", damn it she couldn't run any faster then the speed she was at already, but she had to go faster, not only did that piece of building fall but more were coming down... so the question was, were they going to make it.
    The first chunk of bulding fell near them causing the little girl to kick and hawler like crazy, "will you stop squirming you little- -!!", she was about to finish what she was saying until she looked up to see a piece of bulding about to land right on top of them, so she had no choice and since she was so close she threw the child quickly over towards her mother who caught her safely and then braced herself as the large building piece dropped on her.
    - - - - -
    Everyone gasped at the sight, "oh god...did we just witness.... a young girls death?", a man said as he took off his hat in shock, everyone watched until a groan was heard, "did anyone hear that?", they look at the pile of rubble for a while until they heard it again, "well don't just stand there lets help her!!!", they all gather around trying their best to remove the rubble even the mother and her daughter pitched in until they saw her face, she was there, and not crushed to death.
    Vanessa opened her eyes to see two men helping her out of the rubble until she was free, just a few scrapes and bruises but she'd heal up, not fast as before now that she had her powers taken away, "you saved my daughter, you're a hero", the mother of the daughter told her but they weren't out of the clear yet they were in the heart of the battle and anything could happen, "don't thank me just yet, we still have to get out of here", Vanessa told them as she dusts herself off.
    - - - - -
    They all ran towards the clear where the cops and everyone else stood to watch what was happening, "what the hell?!", one of the cops say, "there were people inside the perimiter this whole time!", he and other cops start to remove the barriers until they all made it, "are you people crazy! You all could have been killed!!", the main cop says but Vanessa frowned, "how are we the crazy when you guys are at the egde of the FIGHT?!", the small group of people nod their head in agreement before jumping in fright by an explostion, "okay everyone move it along!", another near by cop says causing people to back up and shy away from the area.
    "Oh god! You're bleeding!", one person said clearly shocked, Vanessa looks down at her side to see blood, "wuh...?", seemed as though she too was a bit shocked, she hadn't noticed the large piece of glass wedged inside her, "oh... that...", she felt light headed and sick to her stomach, "s**t someone catch her before she falls", one man said before she stumbled back into some, "hey you know she looks kinda familiar, like I seen her before", a woman says causing everyone to stair over at Vanessa and then they finally placed two and two together, "y-you're that mutant girl who set that criminal Loki free!", you could hear the fear in her voice and it led others around her to back away from Vanessa in fear of their own safety.
    Vanessa clutched her side in pain, having everyone's eyes set on her didn't help any, "Vanessa!!", she turns around slightly to see Harry running towards her to only bring her into his embrace, "UHG!", she yelled in pain when Harry touched the glass stuck in her side he backs up a bit and cringed, "come on we have to get you out of here now", he watched her almost stumble back but before she fell he caught her, "what the hell's wrong with you people, you judge before you even- -", Vanessa stopped him, "Harry please... lets go", he looks down at her with worried eyes and then back at the crowd, "you all make me sick!", he finally finished before helping her to the car.
    - - - - -
    It was a couple hours before she woke up again, she was in her bed unaware that a visiter was in her room until she turned her head, "D-Danny?", she had to rub her eyes until she could properly see him, yeah it was him but why here and why now, "I heard about what happend so I came as soon as I could", she looks at him and then away, "you didn't have to come Danny", but it was nice to see that he still cared, "you're right I didn't have to but I did and now I'm here", he placed his hand on top of hers and for a second she felt the need to pull her hand away from his but she didn't.
    His presence brought back a safety she felt when she first met him, "I couldn't sleep, eat, or think straight when you were gone", she was afraid to look at him but she found herself doing so. He had a faint smile forming, and before she knew it she moved a couple strands of his hair from his view, "I'm sorry... for putting you through that Danny, I really am", he held onto her hand a little tighter before laying his head on her lap, Vanessa froze for a moment before relaxing once again, he needed the rest more then anyone.
    - - - - -
    She could smell the familiar sent of chinese take out, so she knew who would be coming, it was Danny, "I didn't know if you wanted an egg role or not so I got one just incase", he sat next to her on the bench, "you cut your hair", Vanessa says before looking at him, "really short", he smiled a bit before looking at her then making a bold move, he leans in a bit, enough for her to notice him, "Danny I...", she pauses once he caressed the back of her neck softly before connecting the kiss, but befor things escalated his watch went off, it was Fury, "where are you Danny?! We called you in fifteen minutes ag- -!", that's when Danny turned off his watch and took it off, "Danny what are you doing?", she was confused, "I quit, it's something I should have done long ago", Vanessa looks at him and he looks back at her, " are you sure this is what you want to do?", she asked him, he nods his head before opening the box of chinese noodles, "I'm positive".
    - - - - -
    Harry hugged her tightly, "I'm glad you're okay", Baldr and Alif watched, "I'm fine I just had to get some fresh air", Harry let go of her so she could breath, "and what about you two, how's S.H.I.E.L.D treating you two?", they look at her and grin, "we quit", Vanessa looks at them both, "but didn't you say that you made an agreement Fury to let me get off scot free if you joined them??", Baldr crossed his arms, "he still thinks the deal is still in progress, thanks to Alif", she looks at Alif he chuckled, "you used magic on him?!", he nods his head, "you guys... are amazing!", they all laughed until a knock on the door was heard, "i'll get it", Harry walks over towards the door and opens it, "oh, Danny come in".
    "So you quit as well, Danny?", Alif asked, "yes I think I have had enough of S.H.I.E.L.D", Vanessa looks at everyone, "then what are we supposed to do now?", that was a good question, what were they going to do, they left S.H.I.L.E.D, and she had no powers so what now??
    "I'm going to continue with my company", Danny says Vanessa looks over at Alif and Baldr, "we've been accepted to join Xaviers accademy for the gifted", Alif tells them, it gave her relif to know that they would be safe at the academy, "what about you Vanessa? I'm sure they'd welcome you back to the academy just fine", Alif tells her. Although that was true she shy'd away from the academy, "Yeah but I'm fine for now, just knowing that you two will be safe is good enough for me", she smiled softly.
    - - - - -
    Danny held her baggage for her, she staired at the huge building before them, Harry wasn't too happy to see her leave but she promised to visit, "you ready to go", Danny asked her, she nods, "yeah, lets".