• Asurette was born a Kishin but wished she was a normal human for she was called, "Lucifer's seed" because of the third eye, straight in the middle of her forehead and her blood red eyes. Asurette grew more afraid of people because of how her family and people all over treated her. They would throw rocks at her, pieces of paper with harsh words on them. Asurette also had a family incident where, he
    r father had started to rape her as she grew older. Asurette appears to be about 30 years old but is actually 1104 years old. One day at school; a new girl arrived, her name was "Deathina" (Female Lord Death). She had icy blue eyes and beautiful blonde, flowing hair, Asurette instintly thought Deathina was beautiful. When the teacher announced that she was a young reaper, Asurette hid behind her desk as Deathina passed by, of course, some of the kids giggled and made fun of Asurette for being so cowardly. The next, lucky, day, Deathina had seen a couple of boys attempting to take off Asurette's top so she would be half naked so the school would laugh at her, Deathina wasn't a heartless, idiot ,like the other boys and girls in the school and on the streets, She sassyly talked to the boys and made them leave Asurette alone. "Hey, You okay?" Deathina asked. Asurette had not replied, instead she covered her head and curled up in a ball, thinking Deathina was going to hurt her. "...What's wrong? The bullies are gone now. The big meanies!" She growled to herself as she poked Asurette. After a couple more days a little bond was made with the Kishin girl and the reaper, They would meet each other at the park, at a beach and even sometimes at school. Once High School came Deathina had annouced that she needed a weapon partner, she had pointed directly at Asurette and bent down to face her right in the eyes. "Wanna be my weapon partner?!" Deathina energeticly asked. Asurette was close to tears as she nodded "yes" to her newly, found, weapon partner