• The world known as Gaia where anything is possible and creatures and beings of all kinds exist is where our story takes place.

    A man dressed in a white suit with long flowing hair as white as the winter snow stepped out from the shadows themselves and into the light, "Greetings all" he announced and continued, "My name is Blood and I am the leader of The Pietro Gang", as he said this he smiled showing two upper fangs and twirled.

    Unknown to all from the shadows something was watching all that took place and then the shadows spoke "That man will have to be watched as he is one mysterious character", a man dressed in a gold suit stepped out from the shadows and said " We must not forget that he is a Vampiric Shapeshifter meaning he is one very tricky person to watch."

    A raven watched the two men who were talking and then to the surprise of the man in the golden suit, where the raven had been was none other than blood himself. Blood landed on the ground, laughed and said "This is my land, I see all that happens within it", He smiled and walked away.

    Meanwhile not that far away a masked figure stood talking to a woman who wore the familiar golden P of Pietro, " Well where is your leader at this current time?", the woman smiled and said "Blood is unpredictable and does as he wishes, so even I do not know of his location, the masked figure sighed and then looked away only to notice the returning figure.

    Blood walked with a skip in his step and suddenly he did a twirl and then he noticed he had guests, "Oh, hello Akodia" he said to the woman and Akodia replied " Welcome back you demented demon, oh Don Selvatico of The Selvatico Family is here to see you" and she indicated the masked figure

    Blood bounded over to greet Don and said "Hello my friend how does The Selvatico Family fair?", Don laughed and replied "We do fine and I can see that yours is doing just as well although it is a shame you refuse to merge your family with mine." He said this last part with a sigh. Blood laughed and replied, "Well as always I shall refuse that offer but you expect that now I hope." Don stared out of the large window that was present in the room and said "The Dark Ages are being a nuisance", Blood spinned around quickly on the spot and said "Very well perhaps it's time we fixed this whole ordeal we have at hand" and blood spinned around and walked away while raising his arm to give the peace sign and he was gone.

    Blood reformed from a swirling shadow and walked towards his current destination. Blood walked up to the back of a figure dressed in green and raised his right arm so that his revolver pointed at the man's back and he fired a bullet from the revolver into the man's head and he spoke in a weird manner as the body hit the floor, "Those who dare to challenge the families shall meet their end by the order of The Case" and he stepped over the body and walked away leaving a trail of shoe prints in blood.

    Don Selvatico looked across the desolated field towards the fading sun and he said, " When the families are one, my goal will be complete" and as he said this Blood with his long flowing hair stepped out from the shadows and stood beside him.

    Blood started to speak calmly while staring into the fading sun, "Mr Selvatico you do realize that many of the families will refuse to merge with you due to the fact that a leader who was born to lead won't simply turn around and decide to work under you and that would be where I also refuse plus the fact that I am loyal to my own family and would never merge with another family as my people look to me and no other" and Blood looked at Don and smiled as Don turned around and replied with a smile, "Oh but I know that and that's the fun of it."

    Both Blood and Don walked towards the darkness that was slowly covering the world, laughing and with every step they took they began to fade until they were gone from sight.