• The crisp blue water was all around them. It's numbing chill gripping all those who were engulfed in the rampaging undercurrents. A boy tried to fight the river's fierce current as it banged him around like a rag doll. He clawed and kicked desperately at the water, but it just made the himself weaker as it seemed the water sucked what little energy was left within his body. Though he seemed to the point of passing out, it appeared in his amber eyes he had a mission to complete. Suddenly to more head bobbed above the water, a boy and girl, and he had seemed to tell himself he needed to save them no matter the what it cost.

    The boy's blood was pounding violently in his ears as his heart seemed to skip a few first beats. His eyes were fixed on the girl, and he watched her mouth open wide to attempt a few words only to be ellageble to coughs by the murky river's offering of water. The girl went under the water, and bubbles spiraled up to the surface as the faintest of screams was heard. Fire blazed rigorously in the amber-eyed boy's lungs as his arm outstretched searching for the girl.

    Fingers grasped the boy's hands. He dared a peek as saw the girl's vibrant red hear and the other boy's thick brown locks close to one another as they hugged with one arm. The amber-eyed boy smiled to see the two alive and have strength. Once he had them, he tried to make it to the muddy banks of the river's shore.

    The trio kicked and flapped their arms trying to make it to the shore, soon the bottom of the river was under their feet and they attempted to stand. Just as the girl and boy made it to the shore, the river suddenly quickened in current. The girl held on tightly, almost cutting the amber-eyed boy's circulation off by the wrist.

    They held tight for what seemed for only a second as the current took hold, sweeping his feet from right under him propelling him down the river. Thoughts rose in his brain as he felt he was about to die while his lungs turned into an inferno it seemed. His mouth opened, and he gasped under water. He prepared himself to choke and say good-bye, but he almost panicked as it soothing cool air circulated into his set ablaze lungs. The amber-eyed boy looked around, his arms out stretched to be met by a filmy casing oily to the touch.

    The casing enclosing him began made him rise as if he himself was a bubble all his own kind. He looked around, till he noticed the girl and boy running down the the banks of the river. As the girl ran, her hand was in front of her as if she was reaching towards him, though when she moved it quickly to the right the bubble followed and burst as she closed her palm into a fist. The boy fell down onto grass further up the shore, were he laid on his back. His breathing was rasping as the girl and boy approached him. He reached for them, his vision blurred and speech slurred. The girl and boy suddenly vaporized into the air as a rushing wind blew through.

    Two individuals rose in a fright-holding shadow as it rose over the amber-eyed boy. A chuckle escaped as two round like eyes opened from the large black mass. Their ruby color reflecting brilliantly as a low throaty growl echoed...

    "There you are..."

    ~End of Prologue for "The Dragon Soul"~