• *****? Shes amazing. She's terrific, extravagant, mystifying, spectacular and gorgeous. ***** doesn't know it, but she's found my heart. The hate and despair dripped off it, forming a pool of dark thoughts and feeling-numbing words. She found my heart shackled and trapped, in the dark, alone. She found the spark of hope that rested within it, and she did it. She gave my heart the strength to shine again. What a shine it was too. The Pool of hatful ooze disappear as if it was never there, turned the shackles, once steel, into spider silk.
    I still wasn't ready to feel that warmth though. I was still too scared. So a door was made when I first herd *****'s voice. That lovely voice, so soft, so shy, so beautiful, it was everything my heart cried for. My inner demon, admiring his cold, damp, depressing chamber it had worked hard for. He did not want to give up his new kingdom.
    With my fright and his might, a door went up, shutting out the new warmth and light and love my heart had dared to bring about. That door was indescribable. It was made from the tears of heart break, the hate of sadness and the essence of the Pool.
    The Pool can never really die. It just...goes in hiding. It's always there, waiting. 'She's not shy, she just doesn't like you.' 'Your annoying her.' 'Why would she like you? What do you have that she can't find somewhere else?'
    So, there was my heart. Behind a wall no one has ever broken down. It begged, pleaded and sobbed to be let out. 'Just one more time. One more time' was what it would say. But my demon just laugh, and went back to his chamber, satisfied with his work. Then, something incredible happened. I got a call, from *****. She needed help; a flat tier.
    She thought I would be the best person to help her.
    That was the first blow.
    When I got there, it was cold, but there she was, waiting for me. Even in the darkness, I could see that smile. A smile that could launch a thousand ships, kill a million men, all in the name of jealousy.
    That was the second blow. I told her to get in my car to warm up, I changed her tier only to find out she had a dead battery. After several jumps, I got one myself. It hurt a lot, but pain was something I've come to know. She got out of my car, hugged me, and said 'you've done enough'. I never been spoken to like that.
    It was so soft, so respectful, so in the moment, I was almost stunned at what to do or what to say.
    Blow three.
    While driving her home, I could feel the door starting to splinter, the Pool starting to evaporate, and the demon to fidgit.
    We talked a little, but not for long, because she didn't live very far. So, there we sat, saying nothing, making no eye contact, when finally, I had to give in. My heart, so relentless, so excited, so faithful, finally spoke for me in what had to be years.
    "You know, I really liked helping you; and I would really like it if I could help you again in the future, for anything and everything." I said, smiling from panic. She looked over at me, her brown eyes sizing me up in the most gentle way. Then she laughed.
    She just laughed.
    I could feel the door heal, coming back stronger. The Pool flooded, causing the blood in my veins to turn black with sorrow. The demon laughed, sitting high in his throne, king and dictator was his new title now.
    "I thought you would never ask me. I would love that, more than you will ever know." she said, smiling her god-like smile.
    Then, it happened. All at once, I felt it. The door exploded, sending slivers of hate and anger flying. The slivers never got a chance to experience true flight, they were absorbed by the warm light now sent free.
    The Pool was almost removed like a tumor, there one minute, gone the next. Not daring leaving a trace to be dispelled by the sudden rush of...love. Yes. It was love that was in me. It felt good, but not as good as the scream.
    The scream was what I felt the most. It was a bone chilling, blood freezing scream. It was the demon. He couldn't get out in time, and he was corner, hiding in the corner of my mind, trying to hide from the light.
    It failed, and he was found like a dot on a white tile. He was just killed. It killed him. The light, so pure, doesn't kill. It was the demon itself that lead to it'a own grave.
    It was so hatful, so angry, so scared, when the light greeted it, it just...died. I felt bad for it. So small, so vengeful, so frightened, it would never experience the warmth and concert that came from the light. From the love.
    I drove away from *****'s house, not realizing the 80 years that I and her will have. But one thing I did notice when I was driving away, was a small, wooden...sliver? I don't know. It was so small. It was smaller than my pinkie's finger nail. It was resting where ***** was sitting. I picked it up, looking at it in the light. When it hit the light inside my car, it disappear. Like sugar in water. Even though I held it for a second, saw it for a blink of an eye, it looked familiar.
    It looked like a piece of a door.