• Most girls my age thought that the only thing that would complete them was a boyfriend. I, however, was not most girls. I was the polar opposite of the common stereotype put out for seventeen-year-old girls.
    I was brash and brusque; rude and inconsiderate. The only thing I cared about was myself, and for good reason--- or at least it seemed like a good reason at the time. But that was before I found someone worth caring about...

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    "Dreaming about your boyfriend, are you?" Marshall asked. I was sitting at the rental counter with my head propped up on my fist, gazing outward into nowhere as racket and mischief ensued around me. My eyes darted towards him in a scowl.
    "Funny. But we all know you're the one with the busy social calendar and potential STDs between the two of us, Cross," I said in a low voice. I forgot to mention! I was a total b***h then. But, like everything else that occurred in my life, with good reason. Amidst divorces, abandonment or some form of it, weddings, and pregnancies, I happened to turn out pretty normal.
    "No need to be catty," he said nonchalantly, as if what I said meant nothing. He took a seat in the chair next to me and turned to face me. He had a smile on his face and his eyes were on mine like lasers. The smug b*****d, I remember thinking.
    "When you're me, there's always a reason to be catty. You should remember that. It'll help you one day." Marshall rolled his eyes and turned his body away from me. That was what usually consisted of our conversations during the hours we shared with each other everyday. In fact, it was hard finding a conversation between the two of us that didn't include banter and heartless remarks (albeit, mostly from me). But that all changed that year. We replaced i hate yous with i love yous and go aways with please stays.

    To answer the question I'm sure you've had on your mind; no, I never thought I'd ever love--- or even like--- Marshall Cross. But realists like myself never thought they could reach the moon or planes could soar the skies. If they could be proven wrong, so could I.