• Leigh trekked through the swamp solemnly, her eyes focused forward on the lookout for any sudden movement. The noxious gas of the marsh and the stinking scent of rotting foliage was heavy in the air, but she knew he was there. She could smell him. Elliot was close and he was hiding. The woman smirked at the thought. He was no hunter and his ability to move with stealth was laughable. No, out of the Sinclair children, Leigh got all the talent when it came to hunting.

    Before she could break into hysterical laughter over the thought of her brother trying to hide from her, Leigh was forced to jerk her head backwards, narrowly avoiding an arrow. Chuckling at the attempt, she turned to the direction from which the arrow had been launched, her spear already drawn. Nothing. Only the faint splish-splash of someone changing locations in hopes of remaining undetected. "Amazing, Brother," she began, listening intently to each step the hidden assailant took, "Your aim is as bad as ever and your ability to move silently seems to have only worsened. Do you really expect to use my own tactics against me with any success?"

    There was no reply except for a sudden stop in movement and Leigh knew at that very moment Elliot was aiming at her again. Her muscles tightened. She was ready. The twang of a bow string broke the silence and the woman dove to her left. An amateur might have simply ducked, but she knew her brother would attempt a gut shot this time to try and throw her off. He had done just that, but Leigh knew that technique and did not fall for it. In seconds, she was back on her feet and launched herself in the direction the arrow had come from. She would not give him the opportunity to change locations again. In fact, she did not plan on letting him get another shot off.

    Even as she ran, her own footfalls disturbing the shallow water in loud splashes, Leigh could hear the sound of a pounding heart growing louder. That aided her in narrowing in on Elliot, who was fiddling with another arrow behind a distant tree. She could hear that too. He was getting nervous and his nerves were causing him to be clumsy. Yet another reason why he could never master hunting the way his older sister had.

    Leigh rounded the tree at last, coming face to face with the trembling tip of an arrow. She looked passed that, however, straight into the wide, fear-filled eyes of Elliot. The line was taut, ready to send the arrow directly into the woman's right eye. Unfortunately, he hesitated and that moment cost him his one chance. "Let me make up your mind… Brother," said Leigh, grinning. In one swift motion, her spear was jabbed into Elliot's right thigh muscle and her head was jerked to the left as the arrow was freed out of shock.

    The man dropped his bow and crumpled to the ground as he slapped his hands over the now gaping wound. Leigh frowned as if she had expected more from him. "I overestimated you," she sighed, propping her spear against her shoulder and squatting down in front of Elliot. He quivered in pain and fear, pressing his hands against the bleeding pit on his thigh as he looked at her. "So… So t-this is the last thing they saw before you k-killed them… Kinslayer," he said, trying to appear unafraid as he spat out her nickname as if it were a toxin. Of course, whether he looked it or not, Leigh sensed the pure terror. It was something she thrived on.

    Leigh smiled. It was not the smile of a comforting older sister, or the sad smile of someone who regrets what they have done. It was the satisfied smile of a killer who relished in the fear she was causing. "I e-expected to see at least a little remorse. S-some sign that you were sorry, that you were still one of us somewhere in that black heart. You really don't feel any of that, though, do you? You r-really are just a c-cold blooded murderer." This only made the woman laugh and shrug, causing Elliot to glare at her. "You want me to feel sorry for doing what I do? I am a hunter, Brother. All Lycans hunt, whether for food, pleasure, or profit. You would slaughter an innocent lamb to fill your belly, would you not? Well, I slaughter to fill my pockets, which in turn fills my belly," she replied.

    "You know that isn't the same thing!" He lunged at her, but Leigh shoved him back into his previous position with little effort. "And that is the trouble with you and all the rest of them. You are too proud of your black and white views on right or wrong," she scoffed, "Fine. Call me Kinslayer and refuse to acknowledge the fact that we are related. I could care less and I shall even embrace the name you have given me. Oh, in case you have not gotten it through your thick skull yet, I was never one of you." Elliot's eyes went wide as she stood to her full height, towering over him. She readied her spear, brushing the tip of the blade against his neck. All he could do was wait. It was all over now.

    When Leigh hesitated, Elliot looked up at her. Would he see the hint of sorrow in her eyes that he so desperately hoped for? Surely, killing her brother would evoke some sort of reaction. "You know, if it was not for the simple fact that you would go running home to Mother, I would consider letting you live just so you could remember this defeat for the rest of your miserable life. Well, I guess telling you that Lynwood will one day be empty because of me will have to do. I will slaughter them all," she grinned, "Corinne will be next, then Father, and then Mother. The family comes first, then the rest of them. Go into the darkness knowing that you have no way of warning them of what is to come."

    Elliot gasped and tried to move, but Leigh held him in place by stepping onto his chest and pinning him to the ground. Her spear dug into the flesh of his neck, causing him to flinch, but he managed a response to her words. "W-why!?" The woman looked off into the distance, seeming to mull it over. Only one reason came to mind and she smirked. Her eyes fell back upon her cowering brother and her lips settled into a thin, straight line. "Because I can," she replied. The words shocked the man, but he did not have long to suffer. Leigh plunged the spear's deadly tip directly into his vulnerable neck, severing flesh and arteries. His blood sprayed into the air in a fine mist and Elliot breathed his last.