• I opened the front door and stepped out the cold winter air hitting me softly. I pulled my jacket around me more securely. It was a nice day. Warmer then usually. I didn’t want to go back home today. Today was the first day of school and mom had finally called to tell me that. I told her to tell them I was sick for the next 4 days. I didn’t want to have to go back to school and see Zane. I couldn’t stand just seeing him and not being able to touch him. I didn’t want to break down in tears when he looked at me, if he did at all. I hate being weak! And he was my weakness. And I let him take it and he abused it.

    My feet crunched as I walked across the hard snow, past my Jeep and up along the ridge of the mountain. I breathed out a breath as I looked out across the mountains to the city. It was beautiful! The big hills had snow covering their peaks and the sky was blue with a couple clouds dotting the sky. The smell reminded me of when I was a kid and Grandma would bring me out here and we would sit and watch the sunset. I closed my eyes as the sun warmed my face and the wind blew my hair back. I could hear me as a kid talking to my Grandma . . .

    “Grandmamma, why does the sun always set?” She sighed and kissed my cheek as I rested in her lap.

    “Because that is the way God intended it too. It is the way of life. It sometimes can be sad but remember: Every sunset comes to an end with someone you love. And honey, everything comes to an end sometime.” I frowned turning to look up at her. “Does everybody’s life come to an end Grandmamma?” she smiled sadly at me. “Yes baby, but that’s not the end.” I smiled. “Good! Because I want to live with my family forever!” Grandma laughed and nestled me closer.

    A tear fell down my cheek as I just held my eyes closed and fought to keep myself in my Grandmamma’s arms. I sighed and opened my eyes. They were burning from me fighting the tears. “Every sunset comes to an end with someone you love…..or without one.” I whispered my Grandmama’s words. The last part I added it on, because it was the truth. Truth hurts people the most. I wiped off my cheek and smiled at the white cross with a purple bow on saying my grandma’s name. I walked back through the trees just as I heard a car come roaring up the road. I stopped dead in my tracks at the edge of the driveway. The familiar orange Camaro bouncing feverishly around looking like everything would fall apart if it didn’t stop.

    I stared, my heart increasing. How?