• Crunch,crunch, crunch...

    That's all I ever hear besides my own labored breathing.I stopped sweating, not a good sign, not good at all.I need some kind of liquid, water might be too much to ask for. In the books they show huge lakes filled with water that's clean and safe to drink. But that is all it is a picture in a book. Not much good a picture will do me. My stomach rumbles, hungry and thirsty just great! I need to find something before i pass out...

    I awake to a face full of dirt, how long had I been out? I look up to see the sun signifigantly lower in the sky than it was, Must of been several hours. I can barely keep my head up I need food and I need it now! Then almost as if on cue i hear it. The whimpering of a wounded dog. With an inhuman effort i drag my body towards the noise, every inch a war with my failing body. I finally reach the source of the rukus, a dog that got caught in a rusty bear trap, "sorry pootch it's me or you" I pulled my knife out of my boot and ended the dogs misery.

    The morning came and I left but not before burying whats left of the dog who saved me.

    Crunch, crunch, crunch...