• “Zero,” The woman speaking sat behind a desk carved of black wood in an ornately decorated room. “My informants tell me Obid di is dead. The merchants’ guild sends this as a reward.” The silver haired woman tossed Zero a small object.
    Zero analyzed the polished obsidian ring “A ring of invisibly.”
    “Yes, now get out of my office. Our business is done.” The woman said with a wave of her hand.
    “As you command, Mistress Violet.” Zero said with a half bow before leaving the room.
    Zero’s bed was pushed in a corner, away from the others in the damp room. The only thing known about him was that he was the best. He lay on his bed listening to the other members of the guild discussing their contracts. Few of the assassins where part of the guild because they wanted to be. Violet owned them. She purchased most of her “employees” off the slave market at a young age and raised them to know nothing but death. She promises freedom once they earn her enough money, but when the time comes most choose to stay because they know no other way of life, and those that choose to leave become marks. Violet can’t risk someone divulging the secrets of her operation. If you work for Violet you work for Wee Jas, the goddess of death herself. Zero blocked out the other assassins and tried to get some sleep. He knew a new mission would await him in the morning.

    The black feather stuck in Zero’s bedpost when he awoke told him he had a new target. He pulled the paper from the quill of the feather and read the name. Samold Myendina. This is all the information Zero got. It was his job to locate and execute the target. The guild did have its own diviner, but she charge outrageous amounts. It took a longer, but Zero preferred to research his target manually. He would check the city archives.
    The port city of Lamplight was in the middle of a major trade rout, nestled on the western edge of the mainland. Most of the goods brought into (Kingdom) went through Lamplight, so naturally in had a crown district where wealthy merchant resided. It also had an archive. It was small, nowhere near the size of the Great Library of Runegrove, but Zero knew he could find the information he needed.
    With a scholars robe hiding he leathers and weapons, Zero browsed the shelves of the Lamplight archives. Zero brushed his thick white hair from his eyes and scanned the binding of several books, volumes of genealogy. He pulled the M volume and quickly flipped the pages. “The records say that a Jack Myendina opened the Mad Empress Inn thirty years ago, a family business perhaps.” Zero muttered to himself as he returned the book to the shelf.
    Zero examined a map of the city rolled out on a table. The map was large enough to list the name of every building in the market district. Zero carefully scrutinized the map looking for the Mad Empress Inn. Just when he was beginning the think the tavern was in another town, Zero spotted the inn and tapped the location with satisfaction. Zero traced the quickest rout to the Mad Empress, hastily rolled up the map, and vacated the archives building.
    The old run-down building had few occupants. Zero wasn’t worried about the men drinking at the bar, but a knight was seated at a corner table sharpening his long sword. His shield, which leaned against the foot of his chair, and full plate, polished to a shine bore the emblem of King Alazar, a golden dragon. Zero knew the knight was guarding the tavern because he was wearing his helm with the visor down. The knight was prepared for combat.
    Zero approached the bar and seated himself at a stool. “What can I get ya?” the bartender asked as he finished washing a glass mug.”
    “I’m looking for someone,” Zero began in reply, “Jack Myendina. Do you know him?”
    The bartender gave a toothy grin, “Do I know him? He was me pa. Course he ain’t alive no more. You lookin at his only son. Name’s Samold.”
    “I’m sorry to hear about your father.” Zero said as he began plotting his assassination. “Can I get a glass of wine?”
    “That’ll be three silvers.” Samold said as he poured a glass of wine for Zero. “Pa died about ten years ago; can’t imagine why you would be lookin for him.”
    Zero calmly removed a gold coin from his new silk pouch and placed in on the counter, “Don’t worry yourself about it. He didn’t owe me money or anything.” Zero sipped his wine and looked around the room. The knight was of particular concern. Getting the target to leave the room would be suspicious, but he had to complete the job with out being seen.