• You open the door to find a man smiling an ugly, crooked smile standing in the middle of the door frame. He lifts his hand and waves at you and slowly you wave back. You watch him smile more and more as he reaches inside his blood stained jacket. He winces but continues to smile nonetheless and draws out a bloody knife. His finger is cut and it drips crimson blood down upon the floor. Splash, splash the blood falls to the floor and your eyes follow its path and to the blood pools at the bottom of your feet. You had not noticed it before and if you had you had pushed the thought away as the drains in the house were clogged up. You had thought to call the plumber tomorrow to have him come and fix them; looks like you won’t be doing that anymore… The man raises his knife, and, as in someone has just hit the slow button on a television, you see the knife come slowly down and into your flesh. The man laughs a high pitched laugh that sends your mind whirling. You don’t know where you are. The man picks you up and takes you down to his room, down to the room that had always been locked. The realtor said it was locked when the previous owner bought it as well. Your mind fades as the blood continues to gush out from your wound. The light fades and you cannot see anything. Pain hits your face and you think you hear the distinct sound of chewing and burning flesh…