• Chapter Four: BAD KARMA

    I was sitting on Eichi's bed with him. We were both fumbling for words. I found my voice and said, "So..." Eichi repeated me. "So..." His voice sounded Angelic when he spoke. I noticed that I didn't hate him anymore. I would probably explain my feelings toward him as... love.



    "Why did you attack me?'

    More word-fumbling. But I guess Eichi found his words.

    "Well... your blood... it's... there's something about you... there's... there's something about... you..."

    Apparently not.

    Eichi tapped his chin and coyly grinned.

    "Your blood... ah yes, your blood. It's special. Vampires and Werewolves... they lust for blood like yours. We only get blood like your every other three hundred to four hundred years. And only one unlucky female has that blood during those times," he started his explanation off realistically.

    "Eichi... I'm that unlucky female? Is that why you attacked me?"

    He nodded his head grieviously, but his grin was still glued to his face, his eyes turning soft crimson. He was staring at my neck.

    "No. Don't bite me again. I don't like it."


    "Shut up!" I playfully punched Eichi's head. He didn't acknowledge my punch at all. I tried to imitate him and nibbled his neck.

    "What the Hell?"

    "Monkey see, monkey do." Eichi leaned near me and put his hand to my jaw and tilted it up, making our lips leveled. He put his free arm around my waist and pulled me closer. We were about half an inch away from each other's lips. In just one second, Eichi pecked my lips with his multiple times. He smelled unbelievably sweet, like... cologne.

    And then we pulled away. The space between us felt awkward. To break the silence, I mumbled, "I love you, Eichi." That caught his attention. He stared at me, wideyed.

    "You what?!"

    "I love you."

    "I... well... but I... I love you too."

    I stood up, shocked. I nearly collapsed. My legs and hands shook violently. I could barely stand. I fell into Eichi's arms.

    I laid there for what seemed like hours. At one point, Eichi gracefully pulled my hair behind my ear. I smiled at him and he smiled back. His arm carressed the back of my head, and his other one supported my weight. I felt like the most beautiful person in the world.

    "You are, Ayu." Duh. Vampires read minds.

    "Thanks." My cheeks turned scarlet.

    It was about eight o'clock at night. Eichi turned his attention to the window and gazed out of it. "S**t!" He cursed. "What's wrong?" I interrogated, my hand smoothing out his hair.

    "It's a full moon tonight. Werewolves are going to be out tonight. They'll hunt you down."

    There was a howl just outside the house. Wakoji burst in and yelled, "Eichi, hide Ayu! Now!" Then he left. I heard him, Takuto, and Hanajima dash outside and drive away. Eichi looked at me with calm, sorrowful eyes.

    There was a menacing growl downstairs, and more were tearing into the bedroom. A Werewolf was crouched by Eichi and me, bearing it's teeth and growling fiercely. It was pacing towards us.

    "Ayu, get out!"

    But it was too late. Eichi had gotten up and stood at my side, painfully watching me bleed to death as my scream rang through the house.