• if i had just known this was going to happen i wouldnt have asked for this mission. thought roy saddly. "oh Flame! we are back! did you miss us? and we brought company! Mr. ugly!!. " laughed his captors coldly. Roy looked up from the chair he was tied to and saw what mr. ugly was. He was a holding a big bag of inch long needles. " its time for you to talk!"
    " ok fine. Hello!" smarted roy smirking as he said it. " stop with the small talk i want answers! what are the names of the people in your sqaud? " quizzed the man holding the bag whos name happened to be Ed.roy didnt say anything but did try and hold pack a hiss when ed stuck one needle althe way into his face right below his right eye. Roy felt the warm trickle of blood run down his face and drip onto his shirtlss chest. " the names!" said ed. " no" shot back Roy. "thats just fine with me i need to get rid of these needles any way" said ed pushinging another one under his left eye. another warm trickle of blood ran down. This was going to be a long day.
    ( 3 hours later)
    Roy couldnt find a single part of his arms that didnt have a needle dug into them. this truly was hell."NAMES!" roy didnt know how many times this was said but now it repeated over and over in his head. Riza hawkeye his aching arms ans face wanted him to say but he refused
    they would hold out for me he told himself as a way of making himself to push forward. "GIVE ME THE WRETCHED NAMES!" demanded ED irritated. roy kept his mouth shut until a scream was ripped from them as another needle pushed through his flesh to release red warm liquid to the world and then there was darknes.