• A girl stands in her room, an iron fan in hand and her eyes cold and steely. She positions her body into a familiar stance as if to strike a non-existent enemy. The fan slice the air, wind following and ruffling her short and choppy red hair. Her black eyes are glazed in non-focus as she bats it again. Her mind wanders as she continues to beat the enemy. Her mind wanders aimlessly from about her friends. How distant had her old best friends she had become. Then she goes through her friends and thinks about she had been involved in each. She blinks as she realizes a sobering fact. She has no best friend. Her friend that she’d been the best with, she’d known the longest and told all her secrets to had gotten a new friend, one that she thought she had to protect from the whole world. That she had to be Superman for. She looks down and thinks through them again. No friend was her best. Then she delves deep into her thoughts. She stops swinging and thinks honestly one thought, would anyone, spare my family miss me if I died? Would anyone truly be traumatized by my dying? Her mind answers a resilient no. Then she looks over to her CD player, a song with meaningful chorus comes on and she starts again on the enemy more fervent. The thoughts burned into her mind more clearly. No…close…friend. She beat the air faster, swifter, passionately. The feeling in her limbs left as tears ran down her cheeks. When the song ended she was exhausted. Her arms throbbed, much like her hurt feelings. She felt her knees go weak as she fell down and looked up. The rain began to pour down on her. After some time had passed she got up, cold and heartless as ice. Then she walked away, from everything.