• Dream House of Death

    Two figures stood in an empty house, they looked at each other and one of them said in joy:
    'This will be our new home my dear. '
    'This house is truly worth every penny we spent on it! '
    They embraced each other long and the figure with long light brown hair with tanned skin and chocolate eyes whispered in the ear of her husband,, Now we can finally start a family" to which the black haired man with creme skin and dark blue eyes only nodded and then whispered a silent and hopeful ,,yes" back to her with a smile on he's lips.
    The house had 1 story, a big garden and a well, it's rooms were big and well lighten by the elegant though old french windows, it was painted outside with a mix of red and white. The young couple had saved-up for a year to be able to afford the house, but now that it was finally theirs, their joy was truly overwhelming, they would have their first child in the house of their dreams.
    From the window a ghostly figure looked at them and then smiled before descending into the well where more shadows seemed to dance...
    It didn't take long for the two to complete their dream of a family, within 10 months Catharine had born a healthy young boy, she and Mitch had given him the name of Jonathan, he had he's father's sky and he's mother's eyes and hair. They were very happy together.
    One day Catharine went out to buy groceries when she came back she brought the groceries in the kitchen and had then gone to see what her and her husband's joy was doing, she found a knife with a red substance right in front of the door of the child and picked it up, she went inside and she found her child dead, speared through the hart with something, looking then at the knife in her hands she knew immediately, the knife was what had pierced her baby's heart.
    Mitch came home quicker from work that day, he went immediately to see the baby knowing that he's wife was probably playing with him again, as he entered the room he saw Catharine with the knife in her hands, and then he saw Jonathan with a bloody chest he ran to Catharine and started strangling her, she kicked him and got away, she ran outside and he flowed, convinced she had killed their baby, they soon reached the old well and while Mitch was strangling her again she kicked him and they both fell in the well.
    Mitch continued to scream at her ,,You whore! You witch! How could you!?" as suddenly they both heard a giggling and they both stopped.
    Suddenly the water became crimson like blood and they both felt that hands. hands with claws were holding them. they screamed when the first peace of flesh was torn from them and before they died they heard a voice, the voice of a small girl whispering.:
    'I killed your baby...No one is aloud to live in this house except us...for this house that you called the house of your dreams is a house of death for all it's inhabitants, for it is built on unholy ground and their we demons are the caretakers and the rulers, but tank you for coming, we were hungry.... '
    Their family looked for them but never found them and till now the police is searching answers to what had happened. In their investigations they found out about the house is gruesome past, it seems that every one except one had disappeared, the one that did not disappear was a little girl in the 1700 that had been found dead in the basement of the house after her parents disappeared, on the wall where she gave her last breath stood written,, I am hungry"...