• Introductions Are A Nuisance

    When you’re parents are dead and you’re raised by a God of Death, you can pretty much figure that you have problems. I grew up not knowing my parents, seeing as how my mom died during labor, and my dad got shot in the head by one of those street gangs. But Silence isn’t bad.
    Silence: A God of Death, the person who raised me. Believe it or not, God’s of Death do in fact exist, in fact, I knew what was going to happen before it began. The incident; no one knew about the events that would unfold except for seven teenagers. All getting visited by a God of Death to gain the power of their own specifically hand-picked Deadly Sin.
    It should be obvious to the reader by now that I am one of those seven teenagers; I am Sloth. Discussing these details, well yeah, it’s pretty much a hassle. But even I understand that someone has to do it, no matter how lazy I am. I can’t really decline, I have already been chosen as Sloth.
    Silence has been training me to be prepared for what will be waiting once the events do start unfolding. Though you can probably guess the training hasn’t really had any effect; I’m practically an amateur. I guess waiting for everything to happen was never a good thing… The stress really gets to me, wondering who will gain these powers, and what tragedies will await.
    But for Silence, and only for Silence, I feel I must do what I must. What that is, well, I don’t know just yet. But waiting is one thing I can do since I’m one freaking lazy S.o.B.