• Thanks to a new discovery, we now have access to the Dictionary of Demigods! Using this we are able to convert the conversations of the Sentinal and Overseer into their true meanings! Let us now listen to the two once mighty beings as they talk aboard their new airship.

    "The Prizes from the new Snow Apple are quite extraordinary." said the Overseer as he looked over at Sentinal. His real meaning was, "I think figure of your body is astounding."

    The Sentinal looked over with a glare as she said, "Prizes?! What Prizes?! I ate like six Snow Apples!" Her real meaning was, "Pervert! You're such a Pervert! Can't you keep your eyes off my body for two seconds?!"

    To which the Overseer responded, "I fed yours to the Cheer Engine while you weren't looking." This really meant, "I want to make love to you in the moonlight while flower petals fall around us on a beach."

    The Sentinal then glared at him as she snapped back, "I'm going to feed you to the Cheer Engine, you piece of-" but she was cut off by the Overseer who responded,

    "There's just so much Cheer!"

    The real meaning behind this piece of dialogue is that Sentinal said, "You can take that moonlit scene and stick it up your-"

    To which the Overseer cut her off by saying, "Now, there's no need to get violent!"


    As we continue to observe the conversation between the powerless demigods, we have been able to decode their latest.

    The Overseer, with a smirk on his face, turned to the Sentinal as he stated, "The new items in the Cash Shop warrant a serious look. They truly encapsulate the Xmas Spirit." Which, once translated, means, "The woman who runs the Cash Shop gave me a fine time in bed last night. It was a wonderful Xmas present."

    The Sentinal responded to this statement with a scowl and sharp words. "You're only saying that because that Flynn woman brought you brownies!" Which means, "Get off your high horse, Flynn will sleep with anyone!"

    The Overseer's smirk only widened as he responded, "And they were delicious!" Which really meant, "I believe I detect a hint of jealousy!"

    We will continue to monitor these two figures of the great Halloween war of 2k9 and translate their conversations. Until next time.


    As we observed the two demigods, Sentinal unexpectedly started up a brief conversation. "It seems like just yesterday you were knee-deep in a bathtub meant to fly."

    The Overseer then responded by saying, "I can remember how it all began . . ."

    The Sentinal then scoffed as she said, "No time for the past, dummy. Let's get flying!"

    The meaning of this three sentence conversation was immensely difficult for our translators to figure out, but finally, we were able to come up with a message.

    "I do hope you remember our plan to rule all of gaia with our secret weapons." said the Sentinal as she stared off into space.

    The Overseer merely smiled knowingly and nodded. "You know I'd never forget something so important . . ."

    Sentinal then scoffed as she retorted, "Just like you left the stove on that one time. Nearly burned down the house!"

    This shocking translation has shocked us all. We would like to believe that we have wrongly translated their words, or that it is in fact only coincidence that this has come out in such a way and the Overseer and Sentinal were merely speaking Gaian this time, but still . . . it is unnerving to hear . . .


    While we continued to, cautiously, listen to the conversations of the Overseer and the Sentinal, we heard the Sentinal once more strike up a conversation.

    "Now that our airship is done, I say we go attack Crescento or maybe raid Barton. It's been so long since I've spread some quality terror!" What she was really saying was, "I am so traumatized by that jerk Crescento I'll never again step into the town of Barton! I can't believe what he tried to do to me!"

    The Overseer then turned to Sentinal with a concerned frown as he said, "That's an awful idea, Sen. Let's stick to spreading Xmas joy and leave the raiding to qualified pirates." Which really meant, "What he'd do to you Sen? Tell me and for Xmas I promise to stop hitting on you or help you with whatever it is."

    "Can we at least dump a ton of poisonous snakes and spiders overboard on the people below?" Sentinal responded, biting her lower lip a little. The meaning of this statement is, "If it's alright with you, can we just drop the subject please?"

    The Overseer responded with a frown. "You're really not good at this holiday cheer business, are you?" Which meant, "I don't get it, weren't you the one who brought this up?"

    Sentinal looked away from the Overseer then as she replied, "It's way harder than it needs to be." Once translated, we see that she is really saying, "Keep your nose out of other people's business."

    Our researchers are now trying to figure out what Crescento did to Sen that would cause her to become so traumatized, she'd never go into Barton town again. We are also baffled by the Overseer's apparent worry over her. What could be going on in the lives of these stripped deities? Find out next time.


    While we continue to watch the Sentinal and Overseer, we have noticed something strange. Their conversations seem to go in a loop. It makes us wonder, are we looking too deep into something pointless? But, pointless or not, we are determined to decipher this, the last of the demigod's conversations!

    In extreme joy, the Overseer exclaimed, "It's done! We finally finished our airship!" which really meant, "I can't believe it! You've finally agreed to marry me!"

    To which the Sentinal, with a shy smile replied, "I gotta hand it to you... your silly little plan seems to be working." What she was really saying was, "Well after you beat up that jerk . . . I have to say I was truly touched."

    With a grin the Overseer responded, "Thanks to the support of Gaians! Without them, we'd be nowhere." This meant, "Our wedding will be paid for by Gaians! We'll use everything they've donated!"

    Sentinal laughed a bit before saying, "I almost feel bad for trying to destroy them with my army of demons." She then added the word, "Almost." with a roll of her eyes. By this, her true meaning was, "I'd seriously rather not have to steal to afford my wedding. Seriously."

    The Overseer sighed and shrugged. "There's still plenty of time to fill the auxiliary cheer tanks. Don't give up yet, Gaians! More cheer!" We quickly deciphered his words to be, "I'm sure they won't mind if we use their donations for our wedding. After all, we're loved by Gaians! Besides I'm saving up for the honeymoon!" We're not quite sure how that last statement was fit into two words, but our translators say it is so, therefore that must be correct.

    Sentinal smiled happily and it seemed like her dress around the chest got a little tighter. "Yes, give us mooooorrrreeee!" Our translators couldn't tell us in words what this meant, and they were blushing as they handed us the piece of paper with the translation which I will read for the first time right now. "Oh, just make love to me nooooooooow!" . . . Well . . . that was . . . awkward. Good thing this was the last conversation. I do not want to know what any others between the Sentinal and the Overseer mean. I'm scared for life! Well, thanks for bearing with us folks! I'm off to go see a therapist!

    The End