• heart welcome heart

    i was flying over the ocean, on my way to my home land of Rome, Italy. i was about halfway through the ocean. i few more hours to go. I was going to live with my aunt since my parents wanted to stay in America.
    i was reading my book Yellow Roses when there was a bump in the plain. I shrugged it off but more bumps came. It started to shake. The pilot came over the intercom. "we are going to be in a crash landing! please get the life vests from under your seats and put them on!" the line went dead. i got my life vest on and ran to the pilots cockpit. He said "go back its safer over there!" but it was too late. The cerulean water was coming faster and faster and it was too late to start running. i held fast to the co-pilots seat. i looked forward. If the water was going to be the last thing i ever saw, thats what i wanted to see. i stared forward and the water hit. the windows crashed open and the water poured in. it came in so fast i was pushed back against the doors. it knocked the wind out of me. my heart was beating against my chest. there was a lump in my throat. i had cuts from the shattered glass all over my body. blood flowed out of me. i was losing too much blood.
    i had to get out.
    i was standing up and i was under water. the plane was sinking. i pushed off against the cockpit doors. i went through the plane windsheild and swam up, not looking back. my eyes were burning with the salt water brushing into them. even though my life jacket put a lot more speed on me, it wasn't enough. my legs were throbbing, my lungs were pulsing, gasping for air. i was so afraid that i was going to drown, so afraid.........
    and i took the most amazing breath of air i have ever breathed. i looked around. i saw one person. one.
    i kicked over there. it was a girl, my age, breathing hard. she had no life vest. i thought that she would drown if she didnt have anything to hold onto. i scanned the ocean. nothing. i knew that if she were to live, i would need to give up my own life vest. i took it off and slipped it over her head. i buckled it up and treaded water. this became tiring. i looked up and a peek of light was coming over the horizon. the warm rays of sun hit my face. i breathed a sigh of happiness. if i died, i at least wanted to see one last bit of light.

    i need 5 good comment for part 2! smile