• Sara: lalalalalalalalalalala

    Alysha:What the heck are you doing?

    Sara: Oh, wow i did not know anyone was here...

    Lizzie: I just woke up what is going on?

    Sara: ............

    Alysha: ....akward....

    Lizzie: um.........

    Sara: So........

    Triston: Um......Hi

    Lizzie: TRISTON.....*jumpes on triston*

    Triston: *ooooof*

    Sara: akward

    Alysha: Stop Making out you two

    *Lizzie gets off of Triston*

    Sara: That will Forever haunt me

    *Lizzie and Triston Laugh and then start Googley eyeing each other

    *Sara pucks*

    Alysha: *Kocks Triston out* Hehehehehe

    Lizzie: nooooooooooo

    Shippo: wow inuyasha and kogoma nver get that far.......

    Sara,Lizzie&Alysha: SHIPPO WE LOVE YOU...

    Shippo: oh no time to run.........

    Sara,Lizzie&Alysha: crying no...........Shippo

    Triston: what am i forgoted now?

    Lizzie&Alysha: Yes

    *Sara starts laught evilly*