• I, a peasant, a farmer.
    My family vanished a long time ago, my beloved wife and my baby girl, so now it's just my plow, and the rest of this village, everyone working on the fields.
    I still loved it though, hearing the small calf trot to their mothers, a new born child laughing as their mother talks to her beloved.
    But then one night, I noticed everyone crowding around the trail to the diamond mountains. No one dared to go there, they say if you even step inside, you shall be turned to a diamond statue. The only way you could enter is if you came with a sacrifice, i remember only one entering and returning. The women that was said to be a monster.
    So she entered, but when she came back, she had a cloak over her, and vanished from the village quickly.
    Enough of that, I still need to find out whats the commotion is about. So far I could only see lanterns, and hear monks ring prayer bells.
    I then finally got through to the front, it was a goddess, pale skin like snow, crystal blue eyes. Silver hair that gleamed in the moons light, her cheeks had no color, but her lips a perfect rose pink. She was dressed in a flowing while gown, almost like a wedding, but had bells hanging from her hair.
    She was a beauty.
    "Hey whats going on?" I whispered to Mr. Shome.
    "She's going to be sacrificed, this way they can enter the diamond mountain and take it's treasures."
    What?!? Such an angel looking women was going to be sacrificed? No! I shouted in my head, and then I saw her take a quick glance at me, a tear smoothing going down to her chin. Then the lanterns light faded and they were gone.
    But as everyone went back to sleep, I went to the mountain, and I was in shock once I saw all the greedy monks clothing on the ground covered in diamond dust, Yet no sign of the girl. Could it be she went inside? I asked myself.
    So I ran into the entrance of the mountain, not even thinking of what will happen, but I didn't care now!
    I ran and ran, passing all kinds of diamonds with colors reflecting off them, All I could hear was my heart pounding as my feet slammed onto the hard ground, and......water?
    Water! I never knew, but the direction I was going, the flowing water was getting louder, then I stopped. In shock to see a little island with water flowing around it, and a giants crystal.
    So I walked slowly towards the crystal and tears dropped to my eyes, my beloved wife was in that crystal, her tears forever frozen on her cheeks....My beloved was frozen. But where did that maiden go then....
    "Father" A chimed voice said and I turned around and it was the maiden. "Father, mother is waiting for us" she said, lifeless, her wrists bleeding from the iron cuffs the monks put on her. "m...my daughter, your alive!" I said embracing her suddenly.
    But then a crystal formed around her, and she pushed me away before it got me.
    No! I screamed in my head, but then I noticed my skin becoming pale like my daughters, my nails like razors, my hair grew long and black...I was now a demon, a demon of the diamond mountain. But I did not run instead I stayed to guard it, with my frozen daughter....and my frozen beloved...........................I'm sorry.......That I couldn't save you both.....