• Chapter 2: Friends

    I couldn't believe i thought the first day would be the worst day of my life. I was wrong. I felt the bus jerk to a stop infront of a school. It looked like a dreadful school.

    "Wow! That's the school? It looks horrible!" I said to Madeline. "Yeah. It probably won't be the best school you've ever been to, but it's not haunted or anything. Don't worry." She answered back to my retorical question.

    I turned my head to take a second look at the school i was about to walk into. It really did look horrible. There were bricks slipping out of the wall slightly, and the front doors of the school had paint that was fading and over it something that looked like graffitti. If this was the school i was headed toward, I didn't want to go anymore.

    I walked out of the bus up to the graffitti soors. I opened one door slightly and went in to find my locker. I found that after only four of five seconds, I was already lost. I wondered where Madeline had run off to. I found that everyone else was looking for their lockers too. I figured mine would now be impossible to find.

    "Can someone help me? I need to find my locker!" I screamed over the large crowd, my voice being drowned out by the others teenager's voices. " I'll help you." Said a kind sounding voice. I spun in a full circle. " Oh gosh!" I screamed in shock when I turned to a boy who looked like he came from a television show.

    His hair was a light brown. More of a dirty blonde color. His eyes were a deep sky blue. They were mesmerizing. His muscles looked like they were popping out of his arms. He most likely had at least a six pack under his dark blue striped tee shirt. I was having a Twilight moment at the time.

    "Hello? I said I'll help you find your locker." He said to me, making sure i was paying attention. "Oh. You did? I'm surprized you could even hear mne over everyone else in this lobby!" I yelled to be sure he could hear my reply.

    "Let me see your locker number." He said to me. I handed him the piece of paper with my locker number and my combination. He wrote it down on a piece of scrap paper. "Ahh. Locker 326. That should be in Pod C. This way. Follow me." He said to me. I listened to him and followed behind him. I walked as fast as i could behind him. While doing so, I started wondering what his name was.

    " My name is Bryan." He said in his soft voice. Well that answered my question. "What's yours?" He asked. "I'm Kaitlyn. But you can call me Katie or Kate. Whichever one you prefer is fine with me. Nice to meet you Bryan. Thanks again for helping me find my locker." I answered. "No problem. Now let's see, 322, 324... oh here it is. 326. Here's your locker Katie." He said as he pointed to my new locker.

    "Thanks again Bryan." I looked and he was gone already. In less than four minutes, the pod was crouded just like the lobby had been. I couldn't see where Bryan had dissapeared to. But I knew I'd see him again later.

    I looked at my schedule to see my first class. I looked to see science. Perfect. Just perfect.