• Chapter 6
    Amy ran so fast, that her eyes were filled with gray and her ability over Wind picked her up. She was nearly crushed by one of the Earth Golem’s rocks. She flew away from it, but suddenly turned in mid-flight and twirled her hands and let fly a torrent of Wind to the Golem’s monstrous face. It was almost knocked off its feet, but it released a stupid grin and dropped its act. It caught a surprised Amy in its rocky grip. She struggled against its grip, but it was going to snap her in half. Then the Golem screamed in agony as Zorion was climbing rapidly up its legs with his claws. Distracted, the Golem didn’t notice Ruku flying through the air with a fiery fist. Combined with impressive velocity and the powerful Fire, Ruku punched the Golem. With an excruciating scream, the Golem fell over letting go of Amy and she fell 20 feet. Ruku kicked himself off the Golem’s face and caught Amy before she hit the ground. “Ruki!!!!” Amy screamed as he caught her. She tightened her grip around his neck and they landed on the ground. “Uh, Amy?” She looked up at him with admiring eyes, “Yes Ruki?” He responded,” Two things. Stop calling me Ruki. And also you can let go now.” She blushed deeply, but yet she shook her head. He dropped her and, despite her pleas, did not put her back in his arms and focused his eyes on the Golem who Zorion was currently dueling. Ruku jumped back into the fray, startling the Golem with a humongous Fireball. Its face was burned and it cried a scream. Ruku threw his new katana like a boomerang, slashing the Golem and returned to its owner hand. Ruku ran towards the wounded beast. Zorion bent down and put his right hand in the palm of his left hand and Ruku jumped on top of the hands and Zorion threw him up. Ruku stabbed the mid center of the beast and continue cutting it as he shot up. The blade eventually came out of the top of its head and it screamed so loud that it shook the ground. It fell over and died. Or so it appeared. It stood back up, a long scar running through the center of its body. Ruku walked away, not noticing the resurrected Golem. Amy, with a determined face, ran to save the boy she loved. She shoved him out of the way and launched a Tornado towards the Golem’s chest. She picked up her Naginata and spun it in such a fashion that a giant funnel of Wind shot out and struck the beast. Eyes turning silver, she floated up, Naginta in hand. She flew to the beast, Naginta in a jousting position. With her speed and determination, she plunged straight through the beast, unharmed. A cloak of Wind surrounded her and the spear. With a possessed look, she took what looked like a batting position. The Golem’s hands were feeling the hole that was once its chest. Amy let out what sounded to be a war cry and swung the Naginta, which length had exponentially been extended, decapitating the Golem. It fell and disintegrated into rocks. She floated down and pushed Zorion’s mouth up, which had been hanging open at Amy’s amazing fighting prowess. Ruku was also stunned. The silver (dyed) headed and tanned childhood playmate had defeated an adult Rock Golem virtually by herself. “Are you ok, Ruki –er, Ruku?” Ruku snapped out of his head. “I’m fine.” Amy looked up at Ruku and said, “You and your friend come back to the Village of the Blue Mist with me. I have to file a report with the Black Operations Commissions.” Ruku had a surprised look upon his face and was about to inquire what she meant when she bent down behind a tree. When she came out, she was wearing a Kitsune Mask, one of the many masks used by the Black Ops. Apparently, after leaving the village four years prior, Amy became Lieutenant Hayashi. As Zorion and Ruku walked with Amy back to the village, she explained what had occurred the past four years. After Ruku left, a young Vampire named Raka came to the village and nearly destroyed it. Amy launched herself into the battle against Raka. The Black Ops were away on a top priority assignment and Amy was the only one in the whole village with half a chance to defeat Raka. A volatile battle ensued. Amy launched the first offensive, a giant Tornado. Raka laughed and spun her body so fast, she created her own tornado and cancelled out Amy’s. Raka then launched a Fire offensive, known as the Fire Lotus. Ruku cringed at this; Raka had nearly killed him with it. The Fire Lotus consisted of several Fireballs forming a floral position with a huge Fireball in the center. Raka punched each Fireball individually shooting them towards Amy. She had more than enough time to outmaneuver each of them; however, the village was right behind her. She spun her Naginta, deflecting each Fireball. Amy recalled Raka muttering, “impressive.” Raka threw herself at Amy. Amy twisted in the air and caught Raka and put herself on top of her and smashed Raka into the ground. Raka kicked her off and performed the Fire Cartwheel technique, which is just a cartwheel with Fire spouting out. Amy had her left shoulder singed, but otherwise she was unharmed. Raka threw a Fire punch towards Amy. Her Naginta was far from her, so Amy had to duck and weave to avoid the lighting fast punches. She found an opening and elbowed Raka in the stomach. Surprised and temporarily paralyzed, Raka was defenseless to Amy’s ruthless assault. Amy demolished Raka’s face with repeated punches; then with her leg, she sent Raka into the air, Amy’s natural environment. Advantage in her favor, Amy went berserk and repeatedly punched and kicked Raka. She grabbed the back of Raka’s shirt and spun her; when she had enough momentum, she tossed Raka face down to the ground. Amy then flew at her fastest speed, right hand cocked for the Coup de gr‚ce. Just as Raka was getting up, Amy crushed Raka’s spinal column. Still not finished, a broken Raka threw herself at Amy. Amy stuck out her Naginta the way a medieval soldier would hold a pike against a charging horseman. Raka flipped herself over and performed the Dragon’s Breath, which Amy had no time to outmaneuver and felt the full force of the Fire spewing from Raka’s mouth. Amy fell to the floor, arms out in front of her, charred. Amy screamed in agonizing pain. As Raka came closer and was about to kill her, her faced was smashed by the Black Ops Commander’s elbow. Raka hissed and turned; all 25 members of the Black Ops were there. The town Elders called them via soul channeling and they double-timed back home. Raka fled and all but 1 Black Op member chased. The commander knelt next to Amy and asked her to hold out her arms. He Healed them and carried her back to the village. He then asked if she would like to join the Black Ops and become the 26th member. She said yes. Her promotion was rapid; by the beginning of her second year she was already a Lieutenant. She would already be commander, but she didn’t want to advance too quickly; she hated responsibility. She was considered to be the best Black Ops agent within 600 miles. They had reached the village and Amy was applying some salve to her wounds. “What happened to Raka,” Ruku asked Amy. Amy shrugged and responded,” I dunno. All I know is that before she disappeared she killed Master Sergeant Kang.” Ruku looked at Amy and said,” Amy, I need to tell you something…” and he told her their situation. She paid very close attention. “Now you’ve heard everything,” Ruku concluded, “Will you help us?” Amy sighed and said, “As much as I would love to, I can’t. The village needs me and I can’t abandon the citizens. Something big is heading this way and I have to be here to stop it. I’m sorry, Ruki.” And she walked away. Ruku dropped his head and walked back to the Kyu County Hospital.