• Chapter three
    After staring at myself in the mirror for a good ten minutes I decided to leave the room. It never occurred to me that I still had the witches cloak on. I wandered over to the stair well and joined Sebastian. “You really are a genius at doing makeup. I have never seen myself look so beautiful. Thank you!” He held out his arm for me to take and I did as I should.
    “You have to be beautiful as a vampire. All of them have good looks, especially the princess. You of course haven’t turned sixteen so good looks won’t come to you yet. Now shall we go down?” He led me downstairs and tried to make it look like I was graceful. Apparently grace was another thing that came on you sixteenth birthday. I still had a month to go.
    When we entered the room below there was a beautiful looking man. Unlike Sebastian and Jacques, he looked to be in his forties where the other two looked around twenty. He kind of looked like Johnny Depp. My little sister would love this guy. “Good evening sir,” Sebastian and I both whispered with a bit of worry filling our voices. I guess they were scared. Sebastian leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Watch your thoughts. He can read them if we can.” Jacques was on the other side of the room chuckling nervously. He left in a hurry and quickly returned with four wine glasses filled with a deep red liquid. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was. If it was wine then there was no way that I would be able to drink it. Then I wondered how I would know. I mean I had never even seen wine. A childish thought popped into my head”, maybe it is Kool-Aid!” Sebastian was laughing beside me. Jacques and the head vampire guy were scowling. Sebastian finally gained control of himself and said,” Please excuse her monsieur. She actually only joined us last night so she has yet to learn anything. She is indeed an intelligent child and has picked up on a few things already.” He nearly started laughing again but kept control of himself. I couldn’t help but glare at him.
    Jacques handed everyone a glass, “Please bear in mind sir that she is still a child and has yet to turn sixteen. Her mind is still influenced by childhood nonsense. Now please bear in mind Cheyenne you know what we are so the only thing we drink at the best of times is blood. Do learn and remember that.” I didn’t like this at all. Throughout my whole life I had been somewhat of a no it all, and being treated like a stupid little kid did not suit me one bit. “Now please Cheyenne try it. It should taste fine to you. Liking the taste of blood is one of those things that comes naturally to vampires,” He seemed to laugh at the face I made when I tasted it.
    “Blood tasted better before,” I groaned. His face held a look of shock. “I had to admit whenever I had gotten a cut I would suck the blood from it for two reasons. One was because I loved the taste and the other was because saliva healed my wounds.
    Sebastian read my mind and laughed. “Why did we change her? She was practically a vampire before,” He exclaimed. He took the glass of blood away from me and went into the kitchen. When he returned he handed me a glass of fruit punch. Great it was back to being twelve again. I took a sip and enjoyed the taste. This wasn’t regular fruit punch…It was Gatorade fruit punch and berry. My favorite drink! Sebastian elbowed me in the side and I turned and glared at him. I couldn’t help it thinking is what I do. How else would I create my imaginary world? Sebastian didn’t seem too happy with me at all.
    “Jacques I would like her to coming study in my home in New York. If you don’t mind me stealing her from you. It is not like either of you have a romantic relationship with her right?”
    Both of my changers were silent for a minute. When Jacques opened his mouth to speak I thought he would end up claiming the false that I so wished were true, but he didn’t. ”Sir I am afraid that Sebastian has claimed a love interest on her. When we changed her we did it in our usual style together but for some odd reason he seemed to bond with her and accidentally made her his bride. We know for sure he did this because of the feelings she has had for him when we know she is repulsed by his presence,” When he finished his little speech I was in shock. Was that the reason I felt like kissing him? I couldn’t stand the thought of liking such a retched man. The head guy had a mad look on his face and looked ready to kill Sebastian.
    Now was the time to change the subject. “Excuse me sir but if you don’t mind me asking, what is your name?” I questioned.
    The man laughed quite loudly.” I forgot how ignorant new vampires can be. My name is Jeffery young princess,” He laughed out. Hr took a step towards me and Sebastian pulled me behind his back. “Sebastian are you really that protective over your true love that you won’t let me even test her?” I didn’t know what to say, I mean I always believed in love at first sight but I never believed true love would be the man I hated at first sight. Sebastian stood in front of me defensively as Jeffery moved closer towards us.
    The next thing to happen was the one that surprised me. “Back down Sebastian! Let him test her if he wants to,” Jacques ordered.
    Sebastian glared at him and stepped towards his friend as he growled out, “You know what will happen, Jacques. She isn’t ready to fight yet. She isn’t even sixteen yet. He can test her then. If he does any sooner it will only end up killing me.” Through his first few words I thought maybe he really did care but in the end it turned out that he was just trying to protect himself.
    “Just let him test her!” Jacques yelled.
    At one point in my life I had thought the quarrels I had had with my friends were bad but I was dead wrong. Everything from that point on happened fairly quickly. Sebastian lunged at Jacques and began tearing at the latter’s throat while Jeffery took a leap and tried to attack me. “STOP!!!” I screamed and the whole room came to a halt. After I caught my breath and calmed down every single one of the unfroze and turned to face me.
    “How is it possible?” Sebastian questioned. He looked at me and stared. Soon he began whispering with Jeffery,” It can’t be possible. She isn’t even sixteen yet. That power is too strong for her to control. This isn’t possible.” They both looked back at Jacques. Neither of them had expected it. What had happened, Was all that I could think. I took a step back worried about all the secrets that were being kept from me. Jacques knew everything. He knew what happened before it had even taken course.
    Jacques stepped towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder. ” You are right my princess. I did know. You see I am a seer,” He explained.
    “A seer? You have got to be kidding me. First I find out that vampires exist and now seers and psychics aren’t fakes. What is next witches and zombies?”
    Sebastian wrapped his arms around me. “Well of course they are real princess. Who do you think our enemy is?” All I did was think werewolves and he started cracking up. “Don’t be silly vampires created that legend. Some of us can change shape on a full moon.”
    “W-well if all those exist then… Well what creature of mythology and fantasy does not exist?”I thought my question was a good one but by the look Sebastian, Jacques and Jeffery gave me I am guessing it wasn’t. “Well ummm well it would be a good thing for me to know wouldn’t it? So that way I don’t make a fool of myself…again.” I hoped it was a nice save.
    Jacques laughed and shook his head. “You have a lot to learn, “He chuckled out.
    I never really approved of being the laughing stalk of the school but in this situation I had no other choice. I was the only student there. Sebastian put a hand on my shoulder” You will get used to it princess. Don’t worry you will be in school will fellow learning vampires soon enough.”
    By all the evils on the earth why did I have to suffer through this? Like almost every other teenager the only reason I liked school was for the socialization and unlike the others the books. But seriously who needs books when you have the library in this place. I could see out a slight break in the curtains that the sun was about to rise. Everyone soon began filing back to their rooms for a good days rest. I was extremely happy to have gotten away from the most boring vampires ever.