• Kenneth and I stared at eachother... Suddenly the ground molded into something that looked like "the grim reaper" or something. It chuckled as though we were its helpless little victims. "How bout we play a little game?"
    it said deceptively. "Not that you really have a choice. How about 2 minutes to run? ...Don't look so frightened. There is one escape route." "Uh..I-" Kenneth was cut off. "You can talk all you want. But time is ticking." I took a step back hestitantly. I was facing the molding as I took a few more steps backward. Then I turned and ran. Something ran through my head like telepathy. 1 minute 27 seconds. 26 seconds. 25... I took random turns and paths. Finally I found a dead end. I stared in horror blankly at the wall. 57 seconds. 56 seconds. 55 seconds. 54... "Wait a second," I said to myself. "Where is...Kenneth!?" Suddenly a small voice said "Forget about that child. Here." A small boulder moved to the side revealing a small hole that i could barely fit through. "HURRY!" I squeezed through and inched my way through. The boulder went back to the place cutting off that area. "I hope this isn't a trap," i muttered. 21 seconds. 20 seconds. THen I saw light. Barely. Just as I had come out of the tunnel, I heard the boulder moving again. "Better move quickly," i thought. "Wait the map!" AFter searching my pockets, i finally found it. Wow. I was actually in the right place. So...Apparently the map said I was somehow supposed to go to the forest. 2 seconds. 1 seconds. Prepare yourselves, children. THen I heard the boulder move. RUN! THen I heard Kenneth's voice. "IT'S ME!" he gasped. I helped him up and we hurried towards the dark forest. AT first it was completely fine. But as the forest grew denser, there was less light. THere was blue light shining through the trees. SHadows loomed across the forest. Oddly enough, it was very quiet. Soon we came to a river. As i looked at it, instead of seeing my reflection, I saw a cackling face. I blinked, and it was gone... Kenneth took the map from me. "So...if this is the stream....."he said to himself. I sighed and kept walking straight. It felt very tense in the jungle, like the trees were staring at us. The trees waving seemed like a person pointing at us, showing where we were. Finally we found a deep canyon. "So...now what?" I asked Kenneth. "Uh..." "GIVE ME THAT!"So i looked at it. ACross it was something i didn't see before. Most of the drawings were black. But there was a faded bluish color. It looked like the cackling face I had seen before at the stream. "I THINK WE'RE BEING WATCHED!" I screamed frantically. Suddenly the "Kenneth" shouted "naw, really?" and pulled off his mask. THere, standing infront of me, was the face...

    Hope you enjoyed this one...