• "Hello?" I yelled. I had no idea where I was. It was pitch black, and completely silent. Then, there was a light far away, but it kept getting closer and closer. I ran in the opposite direction. I knew this was a trap, I just knew it. "Ah!" I screamed as I fell. I just kept falling and falling. I hit the ground, and woke up.
    "Good it was just a dream," I murmured as I opened my eyes and found that I had fallen out of bed again. I got up off my wooden floor. I walked over to my window, opened it, and crawled out. I walked to the ocean near our beach front property. It was pitch black because of the new moon. My right blonde hair, golden eyes, and golden-colored skin made it hard to blend in. I walked towards the ocean until I felt the wave lapping up around my pale ankles. I stood there waiting for the sun to come up.
    When I was sure that the sun was late I walked back to my house, and looked in my window to my digital clock. It said that it was nine o'clock. I turned around, the sun hadn't even began coming up. "I wonder what's wrong..." I whispered. I grabbed a flashlight that was right inside my window. I turned it on, and walked back to the ocean. I shone my light where the sun should be. I saw a lock of golden hair out of the corner of my eye, and turned the flashlight beam to follow it. Standing there was a girl that looked like me. "Who are you?" I asked her. "I'm called alot of different things, but in your language... Sun," she said. "Your insane," I told her. I looked back to where the sun should be. "I'm right here," she said. I turned to face her. "And?" I asked. "It's your turn to light up this planet for a while," she told me, and zapped me with a beam of light. Then, I was in space...

    to be continued...