• Magical three

    Christmas break is just around the corner.The three of us are all just sitting around trying to think of something to do when Sakura gets an idea. " I think we should look for the box of Ellenia. "

    Maylin nods. " We should. "

    I shrug. " It would be nice to know what's in there. "

    " Ya I know what you mean. Me and MAylin grew up hearing stories about the Ellenia's. "

    " Ya now all we have to do is find the box. " Where would a magical box be ?

    Maylin stands up and starts pacing. " The box was hidden like sixty years ago. "

    " So where would someone hide it ? "

    I start tapping my fingers on the desk. " It would have to be somewheres that hasn't been touched. "

    Sakura nods. " I wonder if the Lasin borad could help. "

    Why didn't I think of that. " But wouldn't people notice the random beam of light. "

    Maylin rolls her eyes at me. " We could get around that. "

    " Ya we could use it at night when everyone else is in bed. "

    " But we aren't allowed outside at night. We could get in so much trouble if we get caught. "

    Sakura cuts me off " Calm down Sarah-Lee. We would make sure we didn't get caught. "

    As long as we don't get caught. What if we got caught they might kick us out. So many questions so little answers. " Well let's not look until after Christmas. "

    I'm staying at the Matsumoto's for Christmas because my dad is still in Ontario . He's doing something for his job there. He didn't say what exactly just that it was important and he was sorry.

    The next morning when I wake up Sakura and Maylin are having a conversation.

    " Maylin what should I get Sarah-Lee for christmas. "

    " I don't know. "

    " Have you gotten her a present yet ? "

    " No net yet. "

    " Maybe we can get her something today. "

    " Ya we should "

    At lunch I'm sitting all alone because Sakura and Maylin are gone for the day and Sabrina and Melody are currently missing.And that's when Alex sits with me.

    " Hey " he says sitting down.

    " Hey. "

    " You looked lonely."

    " I was, I can't find Melody or Sabrina. "

    " Maybe they were taken by aliens. "

    I laugh. " Maybe. "I like Alex and by like I mean like like. He is one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

    I finally find Melody and Sabrina after lunch. Apparently they were in the art room. " You guys I think I might like Alex. "

    Melody gasps. " I never would have guessed. "

    Is it really that easy to guess. Who else has guessed. Does ALex know or think I like him. IS that why he sat with me.

    " So what are you doing for Christmas Sarah ? "

    " I'm staying with Sakura and Maylin. How about you ? "

    " I'm not doing anything specail. "

    " Oh have fun. What about you Sabrina ? "

    " Same thing as Melody. "

    " Oh funnnn "