• III.
    Under the Deep
    Blue Sea

    So Lance and his band of outlaws joined Pristine and her crew on their quest. As they rode along, Lance could not keep his eyes of Pristine for the most part. He tried to get closer, but Kyra kept on glaring at him. Sir Reginald staid by Ophealia as if she was his ward. Lance really didn’t know what was wrong with himself for he never felt any feelings like the ones he was feeling right now. At one point he finally managed to get by Pristine’s side when she got a way from the crowd a bit by lingering back. Kyra kept looking back at them and frowned.

    She thought, "If he does anything to hurt Pristine, he’ll be sorry."

    Sometimes Kyra believed that she was the one who watched over Pristine rather than vice versa. Every now and then Lance looked at his brother and the princess. He grinned to himself. Grayson was trying to impress Ophealia by telling her of all the Great accomplishments he did. Lance knew that all the stories were rubbish and that Grayson just wanted Ophealia to like him. It also appeared that Ophealia was not buying them. Lance also knew that Grayson wasn’t exactly a knight in shining armor. In fact, he hid behind Lance for the most part. At least he could fight, thought Lance.

    A while later, they made it to the river.

    “This is the river that will lead us to the ocean.” Pristine pointed out.

    “We better rest for a bit.” requested Lance as he dismounted.

    Grayson and the other outlaws followed his lead. Lance raced over to Pristine.

    “Here, allow me.” he offered.

    “Thanks.” smiled Pristine before carefully turning in the saddle so she’s facing Lance.

    Leaning over, she placed her hands on Lance’s shoulders. Lance gently placed his hands on her hips just before she slid down. Pristine felt the same tingly sensation when Lance kissed her hand. Lance was in another world. They stared at each other for awhile before Lance let go of Pristine’s waist. Seeing what his brother did, Grayson went over to Ophealia.

    Ophealia just said, “Thanks, but no thanks,” before getting off by herself.

    Grayson sighed in defeat. This caused Ophealia to feel sorry for him and apologized. Sir Reginald shook his head and dismounted. Kyra was the only one left on her horse.

    Looking at Lance, she asked, “Why are we stopping? We need to get moving?”

    Lance looked at her and answered, “The horses need to rest. We’ll be heading into harder terrain.”

    Kyra shrugged and dismounted. She really wanted to continue. Pristine smiled at her friend before heading upstream. Lance began to follow her, but was stopped by Kyra.

    “Let her go.”

    “She shouldn’t be go off on her own.”

    “She likes to be alone most of the time.”

    “I wonder why?”

    “I am not sure, but I respect her privacy.” Kyra replies tersely.

    She walked back to the others. Lance smiled at the little girl. She was certainly protective of her friend. Lance looked toward where Pristine went, before heading back as well.

    Everyone talked when suddenly they heard shouting. The outlaws immediately drew out their weapons. Sir Reginald followed suit as well as Ophealia, who was dreamt with bow and arrows.

    “Oh great! I was afraid this would happen.” said Lance as he drew his sword.

    “Who are they?” asked Ophealia.

    “Another band of outlaws.”

    He was glad that Pristine wasn’t here.

    “Stand by me Miss Kyra.” ordered Sir Reginald.

    Kyra did not argue. During the fight, the leader of other band of outlaws appeared.

    “Lance!” he called out.

    Lance looked up and saw a man with dark brown shoulder length hair and dark green eyes. He was muscular like Lance and was the same age.

    “Aaron! What’s the meaning of this?” Lance asked.

    The two men were rivals, but friendly ones. Sure they fought from time to time, but never like this. Something must had happened for Aaron’s group to attacked his.

    “Where’s my little sister?” Aaron demanded as he jumped from a boulder.

    He landed in an open area and made his way to Lance.

    “What? I don’t know where Adrianna is!” Lance shouted at him.

    “Someone told me you kidnapped her.” Aaron said as he stepped up.

    “Hey! I may steal, but I am no kidnapper! Why would you think I’d ever do that. I adore Adrianna.”

    “Well, who else could have done it?”

    “I don’t know. All I know it wasn’t me.”


    Lance was able to tell that the man was obviously out of it.

    “I’m no liar either!”

    The two started to fight.


    Meanwhile, Pristine walked along the river. Suddenly she became sleepy and decided to take a nap. As she dreamt, she had another vision from Drackor.

    “Pristine . . . Your friends are in danger. Zeather, the Evil one, has captured a little girl named Adrianna. She is the younger sister of Aaron, the leader of another band of outlaws. Aaron’s gang is the archrival of Lance’s. Zeather made Aaron believe that Lance has Adrianna. Aaron’s group is now fighting Lance’s. You must save Adrianna.”

    “Where can I find her?”

    “Go further upstream. There’s a camp nearby. Use extreme caution. Be brave and you will succeed.” Drackor explained.

    The vision ended. Pristine woke up. Without thinking about the dream, she got up and headed further upstream. The way got rockier as she went, but she pushed herself on. Finally, she pulled herself over a ledge, and looked down into a valley. Down below was the camp. It was heavily guarded. Immediately, Pristine sensed the Evil One. He was near, Pristine thought. She knew that she must be quick and quiet.

    “I need a distraction. I need to hide my complexion.” she thought to herself.

    Indeed, she needed something to cover herself for she stuck out like a sore thumb. As if someone was watching over her, there appeared a cloak beside her.

    "It is an invisible cloak.” a voice said.

    It was Drackor!

    “Thank-you Drackor.” Pristine smiled and said quietly.

    Pristine putted on the cloak and silently slipped into the camp. It was hard for there were human guards and goblins all over. Pristine wanted to belch when she saw some goblins eating like ravenous dogs. And the smell did not help for it reeked of death and burned metal. There was numerous tends, some bigger than others. It was dusty and dirty in the camp as well. Pristine moved quickly for she knew that her scent could be picked up. Soon she spotted Adrianna. The little girl was 7 years old with curly black hair and violet eyes. She looked terrified, but remained silent. She was tied to a pole. There was only one problem. She was right next to the Evil One, Zeather. The dark figure was cover in black from head to toe. No one could see his face. The only thing they could see were the piercing yellow eyes. Pristine calmed herself down for he was the source of all the world’s problem. Even with her disguise, she knew that the Evil One would be able to sense her. Just as Pristine sensed anything evil, Zeather sensed anything good and pure. She needed to distract him somehow. Then something caught her eye. She smiled. Quickly and quietly, she grabbed a torch, and set several tends on fire. The fire quickly grabbed the attention of Zeather and his men. Not wasting any time, Pristine rushed over to Adrianna.

    She stopped suddenly when she heard the girl said, “You don’t have to hide. I know you’re there.”

    Pristine lifted her hood and became visible.

    “How did you know I was there?”

    “Your scent.” Adrianna answered with a smile.

    Pristine smiled back.

    “I got to get you out of here.” Pristine said as she knelt down.

    She took out her dagger that was strapped to her lower leg and cut the girl free.

    “Okay, let’s go.” Pristine replied.

    She picked up Adrianna and pulled her hood back over her head, which caused them to vanish. Pristine ran as quickly as possible. However, Zeather picked up her scent and threw a ball of dark energy at Pristine. It hit her directly on her side. Pristine screamed as she fell down. Adrianna held onto her as she fell, but lets go when Pristine was on the ground. She knelt down next to Pristine, who was clutching her side. Since her cloak was damaged, Pristine became visible.

    She looked at Adrianna and managed to say, “Adrianna . . Go get help. Follow the river . . . Downstream.”

    The little girl looked worried, but nodded before running off. Unfortunately, some of Zeather’s men started running after her before catching her. To make matters worse, Zeather appeared in front of Pristine!

    “So you’re the one who is giving me trouble. Let’s see what you look like.” he said in a sinister and dark voice.

    He blew off the remains of the cloak. When Pristine lifted her head and looked at him straight in the eye, the Evil One suddenly screamed. His wail was so loud, that Lance and the others heard it. Seeing their master on the ground and in pain, the two henchmen holding Adrianna dropped her and rushed over to him. With all the strength she could muster, Pristine managed to stand up, went over to her, and picked her up. She struggled because the wound at her side was extremely painful. It’s her mental strength that kept her going. She was able to follow the river through a ravine.

    After Lance heard the scream, he looked over and saw the smoke coming over a hill side.

    “Oh no! Pristine’s over there!” he yelled.

    He started running while the others followed close behind. Aaron and his group looked at them with confusion before running after them.

    “Look!” yelled Kyra as they came to a stop.

    Someone was making their way towards them. It was Pristine, who was still holding Adrianna. Aaron shoved his way to the front to see his sister and the lady who held her.

    “Adrianna!” shouted Aaron.

    “Aaron!” the girl shouted with glee.

    Pristine set the girl down and she ran over to her big brother. He picked her up and hugged her, thinking he would never let her go again. He held her back a bit.

    “Are you all right?” Aaron asked her, trying to hold in his emotions.

    “Yes, she saved me.” Adrianna answered as she pointed to Pristine.

    Aaron looked at Pristine and said, “Thank-you. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have my sister back.”

    “It was no trouble at all sir.” bowed Pristine, although it took her some effort.

    “Please, call me Aaron.”

    Pristine was soon surrounded by her companions.

    “Are you okay, Pristine?” asked Kyra.

    “I will be.” said Pristine before touching her side and collapsing.

    The injury to her side finally became too much for her. Luckily, Lance caught her as she fell and gently placed her on the ground. Pristine’s hand fell from her side and revealed the bloody wound. Everyone gasped in horror.

    “Oh my gosh, Pristine! You’re bleeding!” exclaimed Ophealia, stating the obvious.

    Lance immediately tore off a piece of his cloak and put it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Pristine managed to open her eyes and looked at everyone.

    Finally, she found her voice and explained slowly, “I’m sorry, but Drackor told me to rescue her.”

    Lance, who looked like he wanted to take the powerful wizard head on, shouted, “Now why would he do that?!”

    The man was ready to go wild. Pristine tried to sooth his temper by placing her hand on his cheek. He stopped trembling immediately. Her hand limped back to her side.

    “I did it to stop the fighting. You see, Zeather was the . . . Ah . . One who captured Adrianna . . . And he tricked you, Aaron . . . Into thinking that . . . Lance did it.” Pristine said barely.

    “I’m sorry miss. I had a feeling Lance didn’t do it. It’s just that I went ballistic when Adrianna went missing.” apologized Aaron.

    “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”

    “Who did this to you, Pristine?” Kyra asked.

    “Zeather. I was given an invisible cloak from Drackor. Zeather was able to sense me as I was escaping with Adrianna. So he shot black magic at me.”

    “If you were hit Pristine, how were you able to escape?” asked Grayson.

    “All right! That’s enough questions! Pristine’s wound needs to be tend to.” shouted Ophealia.

    “No, let me finish. When Zeather took off the remains of the cloak and looked at me straight in the eye, he screamed and fell to the ground.” Pristine said quietly.

    “Aaron, let me down.” Adrianna instructed.

    Aaron nodded before letting her down. Adrianna placed her hands on the wound and seconds later, Pristine’s wound vanished.

    “How did you do that?” asked Kyra in awe.

    “Adrianna is blessed with the ability to heal people physically.” answered Aaron.

    Pristine felt much better and carefully sat up with Lance’s help.

    “Thank-you.” said Pristine.

    “You help me. I help you.” answered Adrianna.

    Pristine suddenly realized that her energy was back as well.

    “We must go immediately.” said Pristine before suddenly getting up.

    They rushed back to the horses. Pristine mounted hers before anyone else. The others followed suit.

    “Zeather knows we’re on the quest.” Pristine said.

    “What quest?” asked Aaron.

    “Now’s not the time Aaron. You take care.” replied Lance.

    “Can you ever forgive me?”

    “Well, I guess I can let you off the hook this time.”

    Aaron just shook his head.

    “Pristine? Are you an angel or a princess?” asked Adrianna.

    She looked at her as if she was a celestial being. In fact, that was how Adrianna saw her.

    “I’m afraid I am just me. Farewell!” Pristine answered.

    They all waved as they rode off.

    Finally Aaron asked, “Adrianna, why did you ask that question?”

    “Didn’t you see her? She was wearing white garments and was glowing. She also had a crystal on her forehead.” Adrianna explained in great reverb.

    Aaron knew that his little sister saw people in their true forms. She also thought everyone else could as well.

    “Also, when she was carrying me, she ran so gracefully, that it was like riding a unicorn.”

    That caught Aaron’s attention.

    “You don’t suppose she could be . . .” commented Aaron.


    Meanwhile, Pristine and the others continued to follow the river.

    “I still don’t understand how Zeather could have been hurt by looking at Pristine.” commented Ophealia.

    “It’s simple really. The Evil One is sensitive to those who have pure hearts. Pristine’s purity must have blinded him, like fire blinding us.” explained Grayson.

    “If Miss Pristine has a pure heart then we better watch her more.” said Sir Reginald.

    “Why?” asked Kyra.

    “Because Miss Kyra the Evil One has been searching all over for the world looking for those with pure hearts and destroying them.”

    Kyra’s eyes widen as she realized something.

    “That must be why Zeather attacked our village!”

    “The Evil One attacked your village?” asked Ophealia.

    “Pristine and I were not there when it happened, but when we got back, everything laid in ruins. Zeather must have figure out that Pristine’s heart is pure.”

    Lance listened in and totally agreed with Sir Reginald. The idea of Pristine in the Evil One’s clutches did not sat well with him at all. In fact, it made him even more determined to protect her.