The kitchen light cast harsh shadows around the room. The walls were pale blue. Evan stood out against the soft color. A pair of dark running shorts hung to his knees, a gray shirt covered his upper body. He was even wearing an apron. He opened the silver refrigerator; the light caught the shining surface, sending a glare across it’s surface.
Evan pulled out an assortment of vegetables then shut the fridges door. He set the veggies down on the counter where a knife lay at the ready. He washed a carrot and proceeded to chop it up. He was making stew.
Hayls stood in the door way, back leaning against the wood. She watched Evan, brown eyes curious. She had never seen her kitchen being used for cooking, for actual food. A smile lit her lips as her eyes followed his movements. So kawaii.
Evan moved to the sink again. Hayls moved silently up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist causing him to freeze, his hands under the running water. “Hayls…” Evan said her name, a soft warning. Hayls ignored it.
She breathed gently against his neck. He turned off the water, voice coming softer. “Hayls.” Her lips brushed his skin lightly, arms tightening. Her hand slid up his stomach slowly. He closed his eyes, the feel of her hand through the fabric was too much. She smiled.
“You look so good here in the kitchen, working…” she pulled at the strings of the white apron, laughing gently near his ear. That small movement made his heart race. “And you are even wearing an apron… I didn’t even know I had one.”
Evan slid his hands over Hayls’s arms, the water clung to her skin. He could only smile, “I found it in a drawer.”
“Mm, it suits you.” She kissed his cheek, holding him tightly against the front of her body, “Guess what?”
“What?” he turned his head, eyes on hers.
“I like you,” she whispered against his lips. She pressed her mouth to his, kissing him gently. His body stiffened, a red blush heating his cheeks. He slowly relaxed in her embrace, eyes shut as she kissed him. Only Hayls had such an affect on him. Only Hayls could make his knees wobble, shake… Only Hayls could steal his breath with a simple kiss.
She laughed, amused. The drunk expression on his face after a simple kiss could turn a gray cloud sunny side up. She smiled sweetly. “Are you enjoying it here in Washington?” she asked, still hugging him.
He breathed slowly, eyes half closed. The smell of her filled his nostrils. Vanilla, he thought, she always smells of vanilla. “Mhm,” his voice came distant, fuzzy, “I don’t mind Washington. The weather isn’t as hot as Georgia, but… I enjoy it. It is just right.”
Hayls laughed again and stepped away from him, hand going up to cover her mouth, “Oh dear.”
“What?” Evan straightened himself out, a perplexed shine to his eyes. Why was she laughing? I didn’t say anything funny.
“You…” she smiled as she walked past him, to the opposite doorway, through which she could enter the living room. Evan trailed behind her.
“What about me?” he would not give up.
“Don’t worry about it, hon.” Hayls plopped down on the couch, eyes rolling up Evan’s body to meet his eyes. He looked so serious. She laughed again.
What could he do? He didn’t understand where Hayls’s laughter was coming from. Did I say something funny? He furrowed his brow, frowning down at the laughing girl. All she asked was if I enjoyed Washington…
Hayls just watched him from the couch; her inner mind highly satisfied by his seriousness at a simple laugh.
Yes, she simply did ask if he was enjoying Washington. But more then just the state, she was asking if he enjoyed being here, with her, living together. They came across each other about two years ago, on an online game. He was sixteen, she seventeen, almost eighteen. They had kept in close communication ever since.
When Evan graduated high school about two months ago, he packed up a single bag, grabbed some money, and took a plane ride, alone, and made his way to Washington. He was five months away from turning nineteen at that time. She was going to be turning twenty about a week after he arrived. With only one bag of clothing and other important knick-knacks, Evan moved in with Hayls, though he didn’t truly plan to stay. He was sure they would meet, hang out together, and end up hating each other. That was all about a month and a half ago. Hayls had even promised that if he didn’t like it here, she would buy him a plane ticket to wherever he wished.
Since his first night in the house, Evan never again mentioned leaving. That didn’t soothe her mind. Still, she thought the possibility that one day, at any time, he could say “Okay, I’m out.” At any moment, he could walk out that door. She would never admit it out loud, but deep down, she was worried.
Evan watched her face as the laughter drained from her eyes. The laughter was replaced by sad thoughts, of thinking upon something unhappy. “Hayls?” he asked quietly, unsure if he should interrupt her thinking.
She shook her head, clearing her face of her past expression. Her old smile was on her lips, “Mm? What?”
“Are you okay?” An uneasy look crossed his face.
“I am fine, why ask?”
“You looked…”
“I looked what?”
“Sad…” Evan averted his eyes, staring past Hayls to the far wall.
She only smiled, “Thank you.”
“Huh? Thanks for what?” Evan looked back at her, eyes curious.
Hayls sat up and grabbed his arm. She pulled him down onto the couch and herself, hugging him tightly. Her mouth was right next to his ear as she dropped her voice lower, “Thank you for caring.”
Evan blushed. He slid down the back of the couch and more onto her. One of his hands was holding himself up, as the other gripped the head of the couch. “You’re…. welcome,” he whispered back as he released the couch and wrapped that one arm around her back. He hugged her closer, tighter against him.
Hayls cuddled up against Evan as he lay back on the couch, one arm hooked around her waist, keeping her in place. His other hand ran back and forth along her arm. She closed her eyes, relaxing, one hand pulling at the apron, the other resting on his chest. She sighed happily, snuggling closer against the warmth of his body.
“I do enjoy it here,” he said suddenly. His voice sounded loud, deep, as it vibrated through his chest to reach Hayls’s ears. She tilted her face up to look at him.
“Washington? I know, you told me in the kitchen,” her hand flexed on his chest. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heart; it matched her own.
“No.. I mean, yes, I do like Washington. But, I meant…” he sighed, and wouldn’t meet her eyes, “I enjoy living here, with you.”
Hayls grinned, “Oh my, you like me.”
“Huh?!” he startled, eyes wide.
“You like me,” she teased, prodding his chest playfully.
“I do not! I just… like living here with you,” he stumbled over his words, cheeks turning pink.
She scooted up more, face becoming level with his. Her voice came sweet and gentle, “You’re blushing again.” The pink in his cheeks flared to red, like a fire being fed, it grew. She laughed.
“Stop it!” he struggled to sit up, the embarrassment plain to see and to be heard.
Hayls only laughed harder, holding onto him. “Just say it, please.”
“Say what?”
“That you will stay,” her laughter stopped and he froze, eyes turning to hers. “Please?”
“Stay…? Here, with you?” His brown eyes were wide, the shock of her words pure. She nodded. “I…” he dropped her gaze and slowly fell back against the couch. Did her body just stiffen as if getting ready for a blow? He brought his eyes back up to hers, and he could read the worry in them. He smiled softly. “Of course, I’ll stay. I can’t leave you here alone…” he teased playfully, “You can’t cook. Some one has to take care of you.”
Relief filled her eyes as she hugged him tighter, “Haha, don’t tease me.”
“Why not?”
“I’ll have to punish you if you do,” she kissed his cheek, laughter causing her face to shine. Evan knew exactly what that meant.
“So you can tease me but I can’t tease you?” he stuck his tongue out, “That doesn’t seem very fair.” A pout mixed with his words, making him appear like a little kid. Hayls giggled.
“Ah, you look even more cute when you say it like that,” she clapped her hands together in joy. “I’m keeping you.”
“I am not property,” Evan stated, getting comfortable on the couch once more. I really could live happily here… comfortably here. He smiled at her knowing that the words she said were true. She would keep him forever if she could.
“Mm… but…”
“But what?”
Hayls leaned her forehead against his, her brown eyes locked on his. “But, I like you.” she said sweetly before kissing his lips gently. “I like you a lot.”
Evan’s face grew slack after the kiss and he fought the racing of his pulse. “That is cheating,” he hissed, shaking his head.
“But it is truth,” she stuck out her tongue.
“I know…” he smiled, “But do you have to add the kiss, really?”
His face broke with a horrified look, “But that is no fair!”
“Life isn’t fair,” chimed Hayls. She grinned evilly, lips hovering just above his, “Oh, but do tell, why is it so unfair to you?”
“Because..” he spoke carefully so their lips wouldn’t touch, “You know you will always get me.”
She breathed gently against his lips, causing his eyes to close, “Oh… I apologize.” With a smile, she moved her face away from him, Evan’s eyes opening at the feel of her movement.
“You apologize? What for?” An arm tightened around her waist, keeping her body where it was. Evan kept his eyes on hers.
“I wasn’t aware you didn’t like it when I kissed you,” she smiled to soften the words.
“I didn’t say that.”
“But the way you said it made it sound like that,” Hayls laughed, moving a hand to his cheek. “I am sorry, I will think of better times to kiss you. I won’t just kiss you whenever I want to.”
Evan’s face broke, “That isn’t what I meant… I just…”
“You just?”
With his free hand, he grabbed a pillow and covered his face. “I just… get….”
“You get all embarrassed,” Hayls tilted her head, laughing. “I know, you get this cute little look. Pink colors your cheeks as your eye lids start to droop.” Evan tensed, the pillow still hiding his face. “Your heart starts to beat harder, pulse racing…” Her words grew lower as she pulled the soft pillow away from him. “And I can tell that you enjoy it and that you know you can’t put up a fight anymore.”
“Cheater…” he spoke softly, eyes downcast. Hayls smiled and moved his head, bringing his eyes up to hers.
“Evan, I like you.” she said for umpteenth time that night.
Evan brought his hand up to cup her face, leaning his own toward hers. “I still don’t approve of your cheating,” he said, his lips barely touching hers. “That means I will never, ever be able to beat you.” He kissed her gently, causing her body to freeze, eyes wide. “Unless…” he pulled back enough to meet her eyes comfortably, “Unless if I move first.”
She stayed where she ways, hand against his face, her lips parted slightly. This was the first time that Evan actually kissed her, not her kissing him and him kissing back. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him, a soft blush warming her cheeks. “I lost…” Hayls said softly, face showing shock. “I actually lost.”
Evan laid back on the couch, a smirk on his face. “I may be younger but I learn fast,” he spoke happily, the victory shining in his eyes. Tears filled Hayls’s eyes as she stared at him. “Hey… wait…” She rolled off him suddenly, standing beside the couch, bottom lip quivering. “You can’t be that upset,” he said quickly, sitting up at the couch. His body felt cold as he watched the tears gather. What have I done?
“I am so proud!” Hayls fell to her knees beside the couch, wrapping her arms around the younger man. “When we met, I knew there was some hope for you! Oh! Oh! Oh! I remember it like it was just yesterday you were crawling around…”
Evan rolled his eyes and stood up, Hayls still hugging him. “You really are too dramatic,” he hissed pushing at her. “Get off.”
She climbed up his body, coming to stand on her feet. Hugging him close, Hayls held him tightly against her body. “I like you, Evan.” she said again, the playful act draining from her voice.
“I know, I know,” his voice came muffled, arms straight at his sides. “You were acting like a big kid only a second ago.”
“You thought I was really going to cry…”
“Did not.”
“You were really worried…”
“Was not.”
“I like you, Evan.” She said softer, still holding him tight against her.
He stayed silent. Listening to the beat of her heart. Just those three simple words coming from her and a warmth filled his body. He brought his arms up hesitantly, slowly wrapping them around her frame. “I like you, too, Hayls,” he said quietly, his face leaning on her shoulder. Did her heart just quicken?
Hayls relaxed her arms, releasing him from her embrace. Her fingers slid down the sides of the apron, catching on the strings that tied it around his body. “Apron…”
“Oh my God!” He pushed away from her suddenly and dashed for the kitchen; he had forgotten the stew, which was left on the stove. He shrieked at the mess.
Hayls fell onto the couch, laughing at the sounds of dismay coming from the other room. The moans of Evan as he swore at her, blaming her for being so distracting. “You shouldn’t have been wearing that apron, that is what got you in trouble in the first place.” She shot back, laughter lighting her face. He looked like a happy little housewife… Hayls thought, smiling at the image of him bustling around the kitchen in the white apron. Evan… so kawaii.
Evan leaned heavily against the counter, eyes on the sad ruin of stew. He saved what he could. He’ll have to improvise later on. A warming smile met his lips, eyes falling, “Hayls…” he whispered quietly to the empty room. The sounds of her soft laughter came floating to him, his smile grew. “I like you.”
He moved to the open doorway, hands on hips. “If the food tastes bad, it is all your fault,” he hissed at the laughing girl. “If you didn’t come in and distract me, we could be eating yummy, hearty stew right now, but no. You had to get playful.”
Hayls leaned her face on the couch top, watching him through eyes turned to slits. “You look so cute, standing there, hands on your hips, in an apron.” She smiled, eyes closed, “I’d almost call you an angry housewife getting mad at a naughty husband who forgot to take his shoes off.” She opened one eye, observing Evan. “But, the legs and lack of a chest… and your handsome face take away from that… I’ll still call you kawaii Evan, my angry housewife.”
Evan just stared at her, an annoyed expression on his face. “That’s not funny. Just because I cook… and didn’t want to ruin my clothing doesn’t make me a housewife.” He glared at her, “And I’m not cute, I’m very, very manly.” He nodded to back up his words and stalked back into the kitchen.
When Hayls couldn’t see him anymore, he let the smile fall back across his lips. Her Evan, he thought. Her kawaii Evan. He shook his head, stirring the pitiful stew. “Only for Hayls,” he spoke over the pot, the chopped vegetables on the counter beside him. He picked up the board and slid the contents into the stew, grinning. “Mhm, yes. Only for Hayls.”
They have been living together for a little over a month, now. And still, Evan could not remember when he was more happy. He was eighteen, almost nineteen, and Hayls had just turned twenty. They lived together in a rather comfortable house with enough room, though he still questioned how she could afford it. But still, if this was his life, was going to be his life…. He could handle it. He would even enjoy it. Life so far was going good.
[Kawaii means 'cute' in Japanese.]
- by Doctor Yes |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/08/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Can it be love? Part two.
- Artist: Doctor Yes
- Description: Evan is an eighteen year old boy who met Hayls, a now twenty year old girl, off an online game. Now, they are living together. Let's see what happens. I apologize if it isn't that good. :P I attempted, and seriously, this was quick. :D Haha I hope you enjoy. [This is an add on to the first introduction of Evan and Hayls in 'Can It be love?' I was asked to continue it. Check it out if you wishhh. Ah, and remember! It is VERY unsafe meeting people off the internet!!!!]
- Date: 07/08/2009
- Tags: love evan hayls internet kitchen
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Comments (4 Comments)
- x--Naniiz_Kooki3z - 07/11/2009
- rite more plzz
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- Sex Disturbance - 07/08/2009
[We should really move this discussion.]
Ah, I would only be okay with being so… ‘girly’, no offense, if it was in front of some one I cared a lot about. So, if I was Evan, I would have no problem with being seen as ‘so cute’ by Hayls because, honestly, he loves the girl. Now! If someone else showed up, I’d ignore the apron and keep my hands off my hips, and control the blushing. Haha.
And any time. It was rather amusing. I almost want to ask who your muse is.
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- Doctor Yes - 07/08/2009
As a reply to your question, Disturbance, I can't really answer it. Aheh. For one, I am not male. And two, I am not sure who to ask. How would you feel if you were seen like this? Would you still feel masculine?
And thanks for your kind words on the other write. razz lol - Report As Spam
- Sex Disturbance - 07/08/2009
- I’m slightly curious… would most men, if you wrote about them like this, would their masculinity feel threatened. OR! Due to the ‘liking’ of each other, would they feel honored… or ‘loved’ by being seen in such ways?
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