• Ten years earlier!
    I gazed at the sky from my bedroom window. The clouds swirling in angry patterns across the rain drenched sky. A streak of white cracked and hurled itself at the ground. Thunder erupted from somewhere in the heavens. The sun dwindled in the sky, it's rays being absorbed into the giant black mass of clouds.
    I knew what this meant. I ran to my closet. The great sky bellowed again. The sky exploded with shards of wood as the lightning struck the tree outside my house. Where was my mommy? She said that she would be here when I needed her! Through a crack in the door I watched as the clouds took on a shape that could have only have been a oni.
    I watched with terror as it's head formed. It's eyes were blood red and fixed on his forehead, it's nose was a stub on his giant face, fangs hung over his closed mouth they seemed so sharp they could cut through me with the barest touch. It's arms were as big as a tree trunk and his skin was a violet that glowed in the moonlight.
    It towered over my house. It's claw sweeping across the path in front of my house. Claw poised to strike the road he suddenly turned and found that hand headed towards me, claws spread to get as much house as possible.

    It's claw swiped at the ground making a cloud of dust rise and that slight instant that it was blinded by the flying dust I drove my Oujou-Subeta through his heart ending his life and the battle. I landed on the great monsters head then to the ground where the town mayor was slowly making his way up to me.
    I sighed."It's okay. He's dead." I looked over my shoulder at the dead oni that lay with it's eyes hooded and mouth gaping. "He's gone."
    I started to walk away. I didn't want a reward for ridding this town of oni's. My mission is for every Oni in the world to die a horrible death. That was no exception for Hanyou's as well. They were all monsters that deserved nothing but a free trip to hell by my Oujou-Subeta.
    "Wait miss! We are in your dept! How can we repay you?" I turned around to study the mayor for the first time. He was young, maybe 25 with wavy brown hair with black eyes that were soft. He had high cheekbones and a strong forehead. His build was just as lanky as any ordinary man around here.
    "I don't wish to be repaired. I believe that I did that right thing and that there is no reason to be repaid." As I was trained as an bouei-musha I wanted nothing more then to protect everyone from these monsters. "I wish you farewell." I turned away and simply walked away from the small little town.

    I lay on the grass 7 miles away from the small town I lay in the tall grass gazing at the sky. Clouds swirled by the hands of the twisting wind, the grass whispered a silent lullaby as it's silky tenticles brushed over the bare skin of my arms, legs and stomach. For the first time in quite some time I felt at peace. The heat of the sun soaked through my clothes right to my very core seeming to warm me from the inside-out.
    I raised my hand from my side to in front of my face but a blade of grass sliced a line of red down my thumb. I watched the blood run down my finger as it's crimson fingers spread over the palm of my hand. The sudden memory of the only other time I had bled swept through my as would a cat pounce on it's pray. I winced as the memory filled my mind and my vision blurred.

    I watched as his claw came closer and closer to the house. As if on instinct I ran from the closet to my bedroom door. Throwing it open I sprinted for the stairs. To slow! To slow! My head yelled. Everything went pitch black and the pressure I felt was so tremendous that breathing became impossible. The floor gave out from under me and I collapsed in on myself as did the whole building.
    I heard my mother scream my name as a crushing strength engulfed my body. From somewhere through the think fog in my brain I heard my parents scream name, my mothers edging to hysterics. I could hear the ruble of what was left of my house being tossed off of me. The pressure slowly easing until there was only the smell of brick and the sound of my mothers raged sobs. My muscles flexed and bathed in the wet atmosphere and I pulled myself onto my knees, or tried. I managed to hall myself 4 inches above the ground before my arms gave out.
    I felt my mothers arms wrap around my body as she clutched me to her chest. "Mommy?" My voice was small and insignificant, well even more then usual.
    "Yes dear?" Her voice was soft.
    "I love you and I want you to be safe." I looked her in the eye. "You can get away! Please mommy run so that you will be alright!" I could feel the tears pour from the corners of my eyes. "I don't want you or daddy to get hurt."
    I could feel her tears as they formed pools on my cheek. I could hear the monsters cry of pain and my fathers scream of rage in the distance. I heard my mothers quick intake of breath and my head whipped around to face my father.
    I screamed as I wanted the oni's claw slice through my fathers chest. I all I could see was crimson, it dripped down from everywhere. My mothers arms started to shake and her breathing become more erratic.
    I pushed myself onto my knees ignoring the pain the rippled through my chest. My eyes blurred for a second but cleared as I shook my head. My mother scrambled after me but I pushed her away.
    "Run!! Now!" I yelled over the beasts wails. "Run now, mommy I'll protect you!!" I stood and grabbed a rock from the rubble. But my mother was already half way across the rubble and with weapon in hand she attacked the beast but it was ready. It's great claws making the area between her and it smaller and smaller. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as her sword clipped one of the giant claws. The other claws didn't even pause as the whole finger was sliced off.
    The one of the other claws hit her head at the same moment the other claws sliced through her stomach and legs. She fell to the ground or what was left of her... she was sliced into four pieces. I blood curdling scream filled the silence and it took me a moment to realize that it was me who was screaming.
    My knees where shaking but I ran. I ran away just like I had told my mother to do. My heart was around my knees and I finally understood why my mother wouldn't run away before. Guilt soaked through my entire body. I understood what it was like to abandon your family... even if they were dead.
    But not only did I feel guilt I felt pure white rage. My vision blurred but I pushed on running as fast as I could. I didn't want to run but I had no weapon and I was only 6 years old. What was I to do? I felt the air rush by me as he swung his hand. His claws tear through the flesh on my back. I cried out in pain but kept running as fast as I could. I looked back at the beast for a second and suddenly a cliff appeared beneath my feet.
    I tumbled down the cliff the twigs of plants and tree tearing at my face. Blood clouded my vision and there was a numb throbbing from my back but I blocked it all out and held my breath hoping that if the fall didn't kill me then the beast wouldn't either. I could taste salty water and first the first time I realized I was crying.
    Finally I stopped falling and tumbling. I lay still in the bushes at the bottom. I could hear the beast triumphant cries from the cliff about. Huh... maybe I was dead. That would explain why I felt no pain. Then almost as if on cue blackness started to pull at me. I fought with all my might to stay awake because I knew. Stay awake, stay alive. But I could feel the darkness creeping closer and closer.
    "Hahaoya, otokooya. Koishiteru." I whispered as I plunged into the blackness.

    Japanese lingo-Oujou-Subeta(death sword), Bouei-musha(protection warrior), hahaoya(mother), otokooyo(father), koishiteru(I Love You)
    This is just the beginning. Not the best but demain I will tweak it.
    Luv Megs =)