• Once I got that out of my system, I padded out of the forest. I was still incredibly pissed, but I felt a little better. I phased back to my human form.
    Okay, here's me and my band of mutants:
    I'm Patience, and I'm the animal mutant. I'm normally called the Catwoman. I morph into a cougar when I'm really pissed off, but I learn to control my anger at school. Yeah, you heard me, school. Our adopted dad made us go to school and we promised we'd keep going. Well, two years ago, he disappeared, but we still kept our promise. I also have wings, and they kind of suck when you're supposed to get into a swimsuit for swimming class, and I have telekineses, which is where I can control objects with my mind if I'm in a ten foot radius of that item. I can also morph into any cat at any time.
    Nick got all the cool powers. He an read minds, can put thoughts into other peoples minds to communicate with them telepathically, and sometimes he can control them. He can even communicate with our pet Red Bellied Pirahnas. He can also teleport from one place to another, as long as he's been there before and has a picture, or a memory. And he's emo.
    Now Teresa, whew, she has hit the genetic jackpot. She has everything we have, and she also has super speed and super strength. She's like Superman in girl form. Supergirl, I guess you could call her.