• "Ha!" I shouted, at the now curious Edward. "Yes," he answed surprised at my sudden outburst. "Nothing" ,I said quickly as his stare hardened."I was just saying that its been over a year and I haven't killed one person, I won the bet! Emmet and Jasper owe me, not like i don't not have everything i could ever dream of" ,i added. It had been just over a year since i had been changed from mortal to immortal and Renessmee had just had a birthday although she already looked about seven. The aging process had slown down of course just like Edward had predicted. "You still Remember that" Edward said "Heck yeah I still remember" I said "Now Go Em and Jazz and tell them my great news, I'm sure they'd like to congradulate me,and pay up, I muttered and grinned and looked back as Edward started his stride to the house,he smiled his crooked smile back.