• Chapter 2 Farie Song

    It glowed softly with moonlight streaming through the window it took my hand and gently kissed my finger the blood was gone along with the pain I looked back up to the being, I felt like I had seen it somwhere before, but couldn't remember, like a dream, a childhood dream. It slowly sat down on my bed and put it's hand to my face. It's touch was warm but chilled at the finger tips. It leaned in and kissed my forehead then was gone. I didn't know what to do but take up my sewing again.

    Awoken once again by a small mound of fur the sun had barly come to greet the earth my arms were cold from not fully getting under the covers last night little rose dresses were layed out on the bed with basil hats on the floor. I had fallen asleep working, and I had to hurry and clean up before mother came in she never liked the fact that I was so closely linked to the fae neither did the rest of my family they blamed our ancestors for what they did to me I'd ask them what their talking about but I'd always get some weird answer like I'm too young or I'm not mature enough to handle it. Soon I'll be sixteen of marrying age then they'll tell me.

    The cows were wary around me today same with all the other animals; like I was some kind of Banchee. but the plants in the garden were fine, and like I promised, I brought manure for the roses, along with fresh water for everyone. they all enjoyed it. they all seemed to be humming a plesant tune so I joined along. I didn't know the words but the tune was plesant, but familar, then again, alot of strange things seemed familar latley. I went about the rest of the day humming the strange tune untill grandmother herd me then asked me what i was doing itold her I was humming nature's tune she gave me a look of fear and anger so I didn't humm or say anything else ffor the rest of the day.

    I went back to the northern pasture later that afternoon before I went to go to the hill I once again saw the spirit in the far woods maybe that was my late night visiter, I was headed to the hill with my basket when mother called me I knew it was somthing bad by the sound of her voice so I gave the basket to the nearest tree and asked hem if he could get it to my friends but before I left for the house Heartnet jumped out of the basket and was charging after me.

    My family was all gathered in the parlor waiting for me I sat down by the fireplace when Father began he told everyone that by next month I would be able to marry but since thae lack of youth around here would make it a problem then gandmother spoke she never took her eyes off my when she asked me to hm the tune from earlier I seemed surprised she hated when I sang or hummed songs from the fae or nature it took me a minute and with a little help from the lavender by the window the song slowly went through my head and in turn I started hum a little solom at first then the plants around teh house joined and it became a cheery song that filled the house then the gardens and trees joined the whole farm seemed to filled with a warm festive the song ended in the house but the trees and spirits knew the rest of the song so the vally was still left singing when the song finally ended I opened the my eyes to find my family staring at me.

    I was sent to bed early just to be kept up by the arguing of my family I tried to comfort myself with counting the stars i could see outside my window but the hatred seeped imto my mind and I lost focus nothing was stopping the bickering they went on for so long "was I really that much of a freak to my family? was I that hated? why couldn't they understand what the spirits ment to me and all they had done for me?" I hadn't realised that I had been crying for some time now and when a warm hand rested on head, I knew it was back, my spirit from the northern forests beyond. I wanted it to take me into the forests, where I would't have to deal with the disgust and judgmental stares.

    My mother woke me up, before the sun had a chance to, and told me to get my things. Father then carried a large suitcase into my room and opened it on the floor. Mother already had an arm full of my clothes and was arranging them in so they all fitted. I quickly got up, confused to what was going on, mother threw me a simple outfit of a sky blue dress with a grass green vest and shoes. Father went out of the room to go get things from the kitchen, I and after slipping on my dress and vest, while I was getting my shoes on, I accedently bumped into my basket. I checked inside just to see a sleepy kitten and three fresh spools of spiders thread. I'm glad they liked their gifts.

    When I was finally was corherant enough to ask my mother what was going on she told me that the argument last night was about weither or not I should go live with my brother in the city from now or not. You could guess which one, won. my mind went blank I wanted to sceam and shout and cry but I just sat down on my bed dumbfounded. My friends and my happiness here were gone to be sent away to be bound by large stone walls, iron gates, no forests or hills , no freedom.

    By before noon all my stuff was packed mother and father both agreed that it wasn't safe for me to take any of my plants or herbs. I quickly did a once around of the farm before they had all of it packed into the cart I strayed a little at the north pasture the sunlight softly filled the field with a warm light the cows quietly grazed near the fence. The forest beyond was quiet and still i looked behind me they still had a dresser to get loaded up and a few other small things.

    I quickly jumped the fence and started for the other side I had to pick up my skirts to go faster by the time was at the otherside they were already tossing in the last of my things and I could hear mother's wailing I looked back to the forest and said in a small voice "goodbye" then turned and walked a few steps forward before looking back one last time seeing the spirits awaken from their earthen encasements to see what had spoken. In a wisper under my breath I finally said "forever" then tuned and ran all the way to the fence hopped back over and continued running till I reached the cart; never to look back.