Chapter 1
Day on the beach
On a sunny day sleepy bunny asked her sister.
“Can we go out to the beach to tan I fell white,” said Sleepy bunny.
“Ok, sleepy get all the thing we need while I get all the food ready and some extra things for some fun in the sun k,” said Doctor bunny.
They packed up there stuff for the days adventure. They left there home at ten a.m to get to there favorite place to tan and play in the sun. Before they got to the beach doctor bunny put a woppy nut in front of Mr. Squirrel's front door.
“Who is out there I will call the cops on you hoodlums. Oh a nice nut for me they shouldn't have,” he said.
When Mr. Squirrel went in he took a bite of the nut and a giant loud fart noise came out of it and scared him really bad. Both sisters laughed out loudly and continued on there trip. They got to the beach and unpacked there things.
“Hey sis what did you bring for us to have fun today?” asked Sleepy bunny with a smile on her face.
“Will sis I brought a shotgun, a box of fleas, a box of powdered soap, instant cement, and some dog treats. We are going to have fun at the beach and we are not going to get caught this time,” said Doctor bunny with her thumb up and a smile.
They but the soap in place of the surge at the beach stand where people went for cold drinks. They went to the water and pour four gallons of instant cement into the water near the life guards feet. Finally they took the dog treats and placed it on the back of miss elephant's back and then put fleas on the hot dogs of all the people in the beach then they just sat back and watched as thing began to happen.
The stand people started to blow bubble out of there mouths and ears. The life guard feet were turned to cement and he fell on his face with a thump and a scream of anger yelling out....
“Crap run sleepy,run for your life they will never catch us. You all are bastards that can't take a joke. You will never catch us......”
She bummed into the police officer and smiled with regret not for her but for dragging in her sister into all of this.
“Hey Doug how is it hanging dog?” she said with a smirk.
“Its Officer Felton not Doug ok Miss Bunny. Call me by my official name not by my first name and what did you do this time girls?” asked Officer Felton.
“We did nothing at all why do you have to assume we did something every time you see us huh Doug, oh officer Felton.
Then he looked towards the beach and saw some people blowing bubbles out of their mouths, the life guard on the ground yelling at some one, Miss Elephant running for her life away from the dogs at the beach, and people jumping up and down scratching them selves.
“ uhh, we can explain it was not us at all it was the aliens who came down to the beach for an alien invasion. We promise to god w did not do that.
“Dam, Sleepy how did we get caught and but under house arrest for the fifteenth time this month? We need to be more stealthily like a ninja.” said Doctor bunny.
“ kitty kitty kitty pretty kitty kitty kitty. You are my kitty my soft kitty and you will get me the keys from the fat guy over there ok,” chanted out Sleepy bunny
“You know thats not a kitty right it is a weasel with black fur? Right sis?” asked Doctor bunny
“yea I know what it is. Hey Doug when are we going to get out of this jail cell it is boring you need to change it up more its getting boring to be here you know what I mean?”asked Sleepy bunny.
“Hey its hard to keep this place fun for you two your in here at least nine time a week or more. Why don't you try to do something productive for a change, please do it for me you two.” said Officer Felton.
The two sisters left the police station and headed home for the night. While they walked Doctor bunny got an idea for tomorrows adventure.
“Hey sis I gouts an idea for tomorrows adventure. You know how Doug said we need to do something productive. Will we go over to Todd's place and we do the world a favor we will teach a retard how to read, wright, and speak properly. It will be fun we can use the shotgun we didn't get to use today, because of DOUG”S interruption today at the beach,” explained Doctor bunny.
“Wow that sound fun lets do it. Oh and this time do not put me in a bubble like you did last night it was not fun getting out of it you know. And I'm not a vampire if I was I would look for that sexy vampire bunny in my books k,” said Sleepy bunny with a semi serious face.
“Ok sis I wont put you in a bubble tonight k,(I'll put her in a cube and see if she can get out and if she can't then I can use it for trapping others in it and pull my prank on them HEHEHEH!)......
“Sis are you thinking about what you are going to do to me tonight” asked Sleepy bunny
“No not at all sis I would never do that I promise” Smiled Doctor bunny evily.
They went to bed in the same manure as always, Doctor bunny plotting that nights deed, and Sleepy bunny reading her vampire bunny porn with a big smile wishing she could meet one of them in real life. That morning sleepy bunny woke up with a cube bubble around her bed and a camera with a with a speaker attached to it. After many attempts of getting free Doctor bunny said.
“Hey Sis there is a button under your bed to open the trap, k I just wanted to see if I could sump you this time and guess what I win is one. Doctor one;Sleepy two.”boasted Doctor bunny.
Then they left their house to go find their retarded friend Todd. They got to Todd's home and slammed on his door. As they Slammed their fists into is door they yelled out RETARD come out here we are going to do society a favor and teach you not to be such a retard.
“Todd you a** hole come out here and be quick about it I ghats to be at the library to meet my favorite writer at noon and it is ten in the morning so hurry up you a**!!!!” Sleepy bunny yelled out in anger and rage.
“Umm, who is it? Can you help me? I need help getting my hand out of this peanut butter jar. Hey its you two can I get a stick like the one you're holding in your hand. PLEASE!!!! I want to have one.”asked Todd.
Doctor bunny got pissed and broke down the door with her fist and Todd ran in fear with tears running down his face.
“TODD get your a** back here we are running out of time and I don't think you wont me and Sleepy bunny pissed for missing her thing do you. You know if she misses this she will kill your little retarded a**.” Yelled Doctor bunny.
Todd stopped in his tracks and went towards the two sisters with tears going down his face.
<These girls are going to kill me one of these day with the crazy antics I don't think I will live another experiment of Doctor B> thought Todd as he walked towards the sisters.
“Hey you wont kill me will you I don't wont to die at a young age at least not by your hands. You are crazy little bunnies.” said Todd
“No Todd I wont kill you yet we are trying to make you smarter at least we hope we can. But we have to do it in two hours so if you don't get smarter we will shoot you with this shotgun. Got it retard of all centuries!” yelled Doctor bunny.
So they started on the lesson of the day. One hour into the lesson Sleepy bunny shot Todd with the water gun and then with her tayzzer and shocked the living hell out of Doug. After wards the clock struck noon.
“K the lesson is done lets go we will kill him after we get back from the book store k. lets go now before we are late.”screamed Sleepy bunny.
The two sisters ran to the book as fast as they could. They arrived at the book store at eleven thirty- two, exactly thirty minutes before the book store opened.
“Hey sis I thought you said it was noon already it only 11:32 in the morning,”said Doctor bunny.
“Well! I set our clocks back thirty minutes so we could be the first to be on line for this singing,”said Sleepy bunny with a big smile on her face.
“Sis we left Todd on the ground stunned by a tayzzer with no help. You should of told me that you set back our clocks.”said Doctor bunny seriously.
“”I'm so sorry, but I really wanted to be the first in line for the signing to make it up to you sis, I will call the ambulance and tell them that Todd needs help at his home,” said Sleepy bunny.
“I don't care about that all I care is that I didn't get to help him myself<<Yep that a** would have been my new test subject for super electro shock therapy, for people who have been stunned by a tayzzer>>”said doctor bunny.
“Hey sis you where thinking out loud again, but that sound like fun we should do it after the signing is over if he is still alive and if he is then he will a perfect Candidate for that. You remember what happened to your last test subject sis?”said Sleepy bunny with a smirk
“yes I remember, that was a brave little fish but I now know that you don't give fish electro shock therapy at all. K when we get done he will be our new test subject. Here comes your man sis the writer of all your vampire bunny porn.”said Doctor bunny.
Sleepy bunny jumped around and saw him there standing before her a bunny god of porn. Her eyes got big and sparklly with joy. Then she ran to the door to await the opening. The doors opened at ten after twelve then all the fans ran in to meet the writer.
“good morning all you wonderful ladies and....uh....guys. Well I have big new for all my fans my sponsors say that my book are so popular we should make all my books into movies for all of you. And that the first one in the line gets free copies of every single one of my movies of sexy vampire bunnies.”announced the writer.
Poor little Sleepy bunny fainted with joy of the thought of live vampire bunny sex. All for her for free she could not believe that it was a dream come true. Just then little teddy came out of Sleepy's back pack.
“Kitty kitty we got free vampire porn to watch. And sop humping my leg you a** hole. I'm trying to tell you good news and you can't stay sill for a second for me to tell you.”screamed out Sleepy bunny
Then she kick the weasel with all her strength. The weasel flew straight into the writer's face with tremendous force. The writer flew back and got knocked out. Then Doctor bunny ran to the writer and cheeked him to see if he was still alive.
“He is ok but we need something to wake him up something that will shock him awake.”said Doctor bunny.
Then sleepy bunny took out her tayzzer and shot the writer with it. The shock of the tayzzer woke up the writer.
“What the hell hit me and who saved me from death and who pinched my Nepalis?”asked Mister McAlcken.
“will my sister hit you with a weasel on accident and she saved your life with her tayzzer. The one who pinched you was me I wanted to make sure you weren't a zombie who wanted to eat our brains out of a straw!” said Doctor bunny.
Then Mister McAlcken got up freaked out put honored. He went to sleepy bunny with hand held out and drewal coming out of his mouth. Then sleepy bunny stepped out of his way and he feel on hi face.
“What the hell do you think you are doing you pervert. I am a lady not a pervert like you and I don't hug perverts. Got that mister.” said Sleepy bunny
“ Hey your not such a lady if you read my books and come to my signing and jumper around happily about getting my movies so you are a pervert.” said Mr. McAlcken.
“Will I wouldn't read your book if you would not put such hot guy on the covers. By the way are you gay because all the stories have a hot guy described and all the females are vaguely described. I think you a little fruity your a...Fruit …...loop I'm sorry but it is true. Would you like a bowl or a long straw to suck on you fruity a** hole. Now give me my free videos and my books and I will be on my B..E..A..UTIE..FUL..way got it f**. Lets go sis I think we still have a test subject to go fix.” said Sleepy bunny as she flipped one of her ears up.
“O....K, lets go see if the b*****d is still alive if not we get to you the wood chipper for the first time or the fire pit either way we get to use something on him.”said Doctor bunny.
So off they went to Todd's house to see if he was still alive or dead. It took them awhile to get to Todd's house because both sisters stop to pull peoples pants down. At the end of the rode they had a decision go see if Todd is ok or go home and call it a night.
“OK sis lets go home and sleep for the day, Todd will be ok for now he is a retard, and retards don't die that easy thats why there is so many retards in the world.”explained Doctor bunny.
“That sounds reasonable and real so lets go I wonder why Doug was yelling out so loud when we left the book store I wont to know but I also wont to eat and watch this awesome videos of all the sexy vampire bunnies that I love. And to fix my kitty's face it is so dirty and I can't see y kitty kitty's eyes. Because after words you little kitty are going to watch all these videos with me.” said Sleepy bunny.
The weasel looked at Sleepy bunny with eyes of terror. They got home and went o bed while watching vampire bunny porn on the flat screen P.V.S all night long.
“Is any one out there its cold outside and I can't move I need help. Help any body, I got attacked by two evil destructive bunnies please help me before they come back..............HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....
Sisters on the Run
fox demon772
long ago two sisters lived they loved to get into trubleall the time. they played prankes on all the good people of the land.
The chacter are baed on my gf and her sis.
I hope you like it. it is funny at points.but here is chapter 1 of my story chapter 2 is not complet
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