• I must have been out of my mind that night; leaving home with no word to anyone I knew, was both frightening and exhilarating. Then again who would I have told? No one would have understood my position. I wasn’t running away from home, I was simply leaving the place I have been captive for the past 5 years and returning home. I needed this… The change of air, the sight of familiar faces, I needed to be in front of someone that I could burst into pieces with no questions asked. I needed him, Takashi.

    Only minutes away from my destination it finally hit me. I was being a complete idiot, the odds of him being there let less still be in the same town were small. More than small, nearly impossible. It was strange that I had this strong faith inside of me, a voice constantly telling me I had not come all this way for nothing that something did await me; that something…or someone was waiting on that same bench where I had spent every Christmas for as long as I could remember.

    No one was home. I was worried, sad, and most of all frightened. Where had they gone? Mom, dad you couldn’t … you couldn’t have left me all alone. I ran as fast as my small fragile legs could. I had no idea as to where I was going, but I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop. That is until my legs gave in and brought my body to a complete stop…on the ground. The view was blurry, I rubbed my eyes. I couldn’t see right; the Christmas lights blinded me and the red stains of blood that I lost from the fall were making me paranoid. I shook uncontrollably. All I could think is what those girls had said at school.

    ‘You snobby little brat, you think you’re better than us because you have everything? Do you ever wonder why you’re always home alone or with a nanny or sent to camps? You’re an annoyance! HERE! And at HOME! You’re parents don’t love you! You’re just in their way, just another worthless worry! Humph! I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ran away from home leaving only you! The trash!'

    I had been insulted plentiful of times, but this time it was different. She was my family, my cousin and loved by my parents, and she was right. Home was empty no sign of my parents anywhere. I lifted my small body up to the bench beside me and curled into a ball. I was a happy child and as said I was given all I wanted, but this was the first time. The first time that I had let my eyes watered for emotional reasons. I was unfamiliar with the feeling. My chest ached, my head and eyes seemed to explode and I couldn’t stop my body from shaking.

    'What’s your problem?


    I turned quickly to face the one who spoke. He was dark, but not naturally, just as if he had had a really bad tan. His dark raven hair fell on his face hiding his eyes. He was shorter than I, but for some reason he seemed superior…older.

    He laughed

    ‘You look like a wet puppy’ he said

    If this was his idea of making me feel better it was quite terrible. I couldn’t explain the comfort I felt in his voice. I waited for the ‘are you ok?’ or ‘why are you crying’, but his words turned out to be otherwise.

    ‘It’s Christmas you know. No one should be alone’ He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and roughly whipped out the tear trails on my cheek.

    ‘Even crybabies like you shouldn’t be alone ‘He grabbed my hand firmly and leaded the way.

    ‘There’s a small festival for Christmas near here, we’re going to go there and have loads of fun and none of that crying stuff ok?’

    ‘Hm’ was all I managed to respond.

    I didn’t understand. He hadn’t asked me why I was upset he just somehow made my tears vanished and brought happiness to me once more.
    Later that night he took me home. It was strange, we were merely kids and no one had noticed us walking alone in the middle of the night. I was frightened to come back home since there would be no one there, but the fact that my new friend Takashi was right beside me made me courageous to face what awaited me. We arrived to find two very worried parents, my parents. They had gone to cancel their reservation so they would be able to spend time with me; they were very thankful of Takashi for taking such good care of me. In return they allowed him to stay for dinner and in small side conversation they were able to find out about Takashi’s life. He was an orphan since born, he never met his parents and he awaited the day in which a family would come and adopt him. My previous worries seemed so selfish and insignificant next to the strong heart breaking words that came out of his mouth. I felt the need to comfort him that should have been the one healing the cause of his tears instead of him healing mines. Even though his responses were each more painful, he said it all with a smile.

    Since then we became best friends. I didn’t just want to be with him, I needed to. I wanted to be like him to turn every sadness into a small aspect and flip the script so joy would only roam around me. I relied on him to keep me strong. We me on that same bench, which still contained the stain of my blood, every Christmas. It was our unspoken vow as long as that eternal snow would fall our friendship would remain.

    Five years. It was hard to believe that five years had passed since I had seen Takashi. Once again I was running away just like then, afraid for the lost of my parents and seeking comfort. Takashi….I hope you remembered our vow.
    ‘Passengers we have reached our last stop, hope your travel was enjoyable, oh! And marry Christmas!’