• June 6th, 2012,

    " RING, RRIIINNGG, RRIINNGG," the bell shrieked. Zack Morlan walked through the halls of Dextoria High school. People were running and bumping others to side like ragdolls just to get to class early. As Zack stepped into class he noticed somthing on the board. It read: SUCK BALLS MORLAN!!! Zack quickly erased the message before anybody else could see it. "When I find the a*****e who did this, he's dead!!" he thought to himself.
    "Please sit down Mr.Morlan," said Mr.Slava coldly.
    " Yes sir." Zack sat calmly into his seat, but he did not stay upset for long because there was a beautiful aroma in the air. He traced the smell with his hyper smell to the human girl behind him. He looked at her and could not stop. She was perfect. Lovely brown hair, almond shaped eyes, and a cute smile.
    "H..HH...Hi." she said softly. Zack began to drool slightly.
    " Mr. Morlan would you like to settle your business with Ms. Trishka in the headmaster's room?" Mr. Slava asked with one eybrow cocked. Zack snapped beck into attention.
    "No sir. Please go on with your lesson." At the end of class Zack followed the human girl through the halls before saying " What is your name if you don't mind me asking?"
    "Milora..." she said calmly. " What's yours?"
    " Zack." he said boldly." This may be abrupt, but you're kinda cute to be honest."
    " Thanks." she giggled. " C'mon lets get to class, cutie. heart " Zack was speechless. How could a human girl have put him in such a trance? How could he be attracted to a minor race? How was he going to explain this to his parents?

    Later on at home...

    "Absolutly not!" shouted Zack's dad, Hector.
    " But why not, you make it seem like she is a threat to me the superior race. A Hybrid!!"
    " You cant. It would ruin our legacy honey." said his mom, Victoria.
    " Ya know, @#$% this!!!" Zack exclaimed as he stomped to bed. Life was hard for him, but he was finally able to get it through his parents thick skulls that he liked Milora and finally they went on their first date which did not go well because Milora cut herself and you know what happens next. But they worked it out and 10 years later they got married and had 3 kids named, Samantha, Henry, and Kyle. mrgreen