• In a world were there existed pure and true love there also existed a rose with an unimaginable beauty untachable by any other rose or flower. Yet it held something darck and Mysterious. The secret that it kept was never tobe rebeald. This world came to an end when a selfish man got his hands on the rose. He had fallen in love with the Farest and most beautifull girl in the kingdom. The rose was able to read his heart and fill it with jelousy, and desire. On his way to her door he felt the change but ignored it. When he arrived he gave the rose to the beautiful girl. He left it in her smooth and gentel hands. The rose did what it was function to do it took her beauty little by little. The rose had been made by a Great sourcerrer who was betraed by his true love. He gave it the function to take what she loved and cared for the most her beauty.

    To be continued.........................