• A tall, pale woman stood in a cold alleyway covered in snow. Her dark eyes flashed and searched the busy New York street. A cold breeze ruffled her black hair. She wore a long white dress and it whipped around her in the breeze. Someone approached her and she took an involuntary step back. "You're late." Her voice was cold. "I was being followed. Did you bring the package?" He smiled sardonically at her. "Yes. Did you bring the venom?" The woman pulled out a small nondescript package. The man pulled out a small vial of clear liquid and tossed it to the woman. Her hand shot out and closed around the vial. She tossed the package at the man and turned around. "Come here Zarintha. I have the venom." Out of the shadows stepped a young girl. The girl had pixie features and she was tiny. Her hair was long and an odd shade of blue. "Give it here. I need it now or else I will die." The girl had a high clear voice. The woman stepped forward eagerly and handed the girl the vial. "Begone both of you." The girl commanded. The man and woman hurried away. The girl smiled and opened the vial. She raised it to her lips and...